The Wrong Side Of The Bed - ZIT

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(WC: 1453

Category: Soft angst, hurt/comfort
Ship type: Platonic
Warnings: None

I seriously need to write ZIT more

For context of this oneshot, let's say this took place somewhat recently, even though I had the idea way back when the Boomers were formed.

Not the best oneshot, but I enjoyed writing these three :D

With that out of the way, enjoy!)

"Hey, Zed!"

Impulse landed on the ground with a small thud next to his temporary bedrock breaking stand, spotting Zedaph leaning against the lectern, writing down his own order. When he didn't notice Impulse (or at least pretended not to notice him), he punched him in the arm playfully.

"Hey, Zed! You making an order to break some bedrock?"

Something flashed across Zed's face for a moment--irritation? Annoyance? Whatever it was, it was gone as soon as it came. He smiled at Zed, holding up the quill he was using to write. "Yep. It's a bit of an odd order, though."

Impulse looked over Zed's shoulder as he finished writing out his order. "Geez, I can't read your handwriting. It's so messy."

"It's not that bad!" Zed protested.

"Yes, it is." Impulse picked up the book and held it close to his face, squinting at Zed's handwriting. "I can't read it..."

Zed snatched the book away from him, chuckling a bit. "Meanie. Here, I'll read it for you." He started to read out the order slowly, like he was talking to a little kid. "Beeeeeeeedrock neeeeeds breaaaaaaaking in Overrrrrrwooooorld. Coooooordinatesssssss areeeeeee--"

"Okay, okay, I get it." Impulse couldn't help but smile a little. He and Zed hadn't been able to talk recently, so it was nice just hanging around with him and banter a bit.

"I'll show you where I need it to be broken, if that's okay with you." Without checking to see if Impulse was behind him, Zed rocketed off into the sky.

Impulse chuckled a bit--he must have been really excited. He followed Zed's erratic flight pattern leading towards his Cave of Contraptions.

Once they landed in front of the mountain that held Zed's base, Zed opened the iron door and gestured for Impulse to follow him in. He started talking about how much bedrock he wanted broken, but Impulse was only half-listening.

The Cave of Contraptions had changed quite a lot since he was last here. There was some sort of light display on the roof, and there were a handful of little redstone machines lying around here and there.

"Zed," he interrupted in the middle of Zed's spiel. "This place looks awesome!"

"Yeah, thanks. I've been working on it a lot." Zed met Impulse's eyes, then looked away quickly. His gaze wandered over to a figure Impulse hadn't noticed--Tango was wandering around the base, hitting random buttons and watching the dispensers click.

Tango looked up, just noticing the other two members of Team ZIT were there, too. He slammed down a final button, watching the pistons extend and break the bamboo, starting a chain reaction of contraptions firing up. "Oh. Hey, Impy! Hey, Zed."

"Tango..." Zed said through gritted teeth. "What are you doing with my contraptions?"

"It's been a while since I've been here, dude." Tango let out a low whistle as he surveyed the place. "It's changed a lot. I was looking into what each contraption did."

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