How I Make My Oneshots!

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I asked over on my Discord server if people wanted to see a behind the scenes on how I make my oneshot, and people seemed interested, so here you go! 

There's actually a whole process that goes behind these, I don't just write them as I go--I plan them out beforehand. 

For the examples, let's use the last oneshot I published, Scarian In School.

One more little note to add is that I always type on my laptop. I rarely type on my phone anymore. I also type directly in Wattpad's drafts--I've gotten used to it, plus I never had issues with saving my stories here. I can also see what oneshots I have planned next, so it helps with being organized.

Anyway, onto the steps I take:

When starting a new chapter, I usually have a chapter name planned out once I get the idea. For Scarian In School, things were a little different.

 For Scarian In School, things were a little different

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I actually write out the author's note first. I add the bits of information such as the ship type, warnings, and category so I know a general idea of where the story will go. I leave the word count for last after I'm done editing everything. The A/N usually gets edited near the end as well.

The first thing I do when planning out the plot is write out numbers for each part of the plot

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The first thing I do when planning out the plot is write out numbers for each part of the plot.

The first thing I do when planning out the plot is write out numbers for each part of the plot

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You get the idea. I add and take out points if necessary. 

Then I start outlining the plot. Each number gets its own part of the story, and it ends up looking something like this:

 Each number gets its own part of the story, and it ends up looking something like this:

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In the case of Scarian In School, I added 2 more points for a total of 7.

The plot outline usually stays untouched as I write them beforehand, so I have a couple more oneshots outlined, just waiting to be written. It helps if I'm ever stuck on what to write because I have something to base it off of.

Once I'm done with the plot outline, I start writing the oneshot. I go one point at a time, deleting each point once I'm done with it. It should start to look something like this:

 It should start to look something like this:

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After the draft is done, I then edit it. My draft usually stays the same, I only edit some grammatical errors/add a few more sentences and things like that. Once that's out of the way, I edit the A/N if necessary, then it's ready to publish!

Hermitcraft Randomness - S7 OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now