Incorrect Quotes Part 4

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(Okay, okay, this is a shorter one because I started putting more thought into these quotes and making sure I like every one, not just dumping a hundred quotes into a 2000 word long chapter like I did before. So this is probably going to be how it is from now--still relatively long, though. Enjoy!)

Mumbo: I'm going to the shopping district, do you want anything?
Grian: I want Evo and the Evolutionists back.
Mumbo: ...I only have 9 diamonds.

Cleo: I'm too emotionally unstable for this Hermitcraft meeting, can I be excused?

Keralis: I just think we should try to relax!
Doc: ...You do realize who you're talking to, right?

Doc: Alright, you little sh*ts, listen up.
Doc: Not you, Bdubs, you're an angel and we're all glad to have you here.

Grian: Mumby, it's muggy out
Mumbo: If I go outside and see all the mugs on the ground, I'm quitting Hermitcraft.
Grian: *Sips tea out of a bowl*

X: Is there a word between angry and sad?
Joe: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated.
Cleo: Smad
Grian: There are two types of people

Bdubs: What time is it?
Keralis: Pass me that saxophone and I'll find out
Keralis: *Plays saxophone loudly*
Doc, shouting all the way from his half house: WHO THE F*CK IS PLAYING THE SAXOPHONE AT 2 AM
Keralis: It's 2 am

Grian: What if the person who named the umbrella meant to call it a brella, but was just under a lot of pressure?
Mumbo: Please don't come to my base at 3 am with an "important question" ever again.

Cleo: Do you ever hear someone say something really smart and wonder what it's like to have brain cells that actually do their job?

Mumbo: Why is Grian crying?
Iskall: He found the Scar angst on Hermittpad

*When a bag is stuck in the vending machine*
Tries to get it back by sticking their arm through the slot: Mumbo, Zed, Bdubs
Shakes the machine: Impulse, X
Punches/kicks the glass: Doc, Tango
Asks for help: Scar, Stress, Keralis
All of the above, in that order: Grian

Hels: I could kill you if I wanted, Wels.
Wels: Oh yeah? So could another person on the server.
Wels: So could a zombie.
Wels: So could a dedicated chicken.
Wels: You aren't special, Hels.

*Drinking from plastic bottles*
Takes out the wrapper and plays around with it: Grian, Zed, Keralis
Keeps the wrapper on: Mumbo, Tango, X
Yells at the others for even using plastic bottles: Iskall, Impulse, Bdubs

Scar, holding a large box: Hey, what would you say if I suddenly came home with six kittens?
Grian: What's in the box?
Grian: Scar, what's in the box??
Scar: I think you know

Iskall: Oh, and if you see Mumbo, give him this message.
Iskall: *makes a neutral face*
Iskall: He'll know what it means.
Grian: Oh, and Iskall said to give you a message.
Grian: *makes a neutral face*
Mumbo: Oh, no. The neutral face of displeasure.

Beef: You're smiling, did something good happen?
Doc: Can't I just smile because I feel like it?
Etho: Bdubs just slammed face-first into the wall.

Cleo: I will put my A down to make "A"
Beef: I will add to your "A" to make "AT"
Jevin: I will add to your "AT" to make "RAT"
Joe: I will add to your "RAT" to make "BIOSTRATIGRAPHIC"
Cleo: *flips the board*

Ex: *walks up to Grian, who's holding a rose*
Ex: What are you doing?
Grian: Smelling the rose.
Ex: Psh--weird.
Ex, under his breath: I wish I was that rose.
Grian: What?

Keralis, still awake at 3 AM: If you work on a farm and your job is to take care of the chickens, then you're a chicken tender.
Bdubs, lying next to him, eyes wide and staring up at the ceiling:

Iskall: This may sound ridiculous but not everyone here likes you.
Ren: Sounds ridiculous, but go on

Cleo: Ah yes, my train of thought
Cleo: Or as I like to call it, the anxiety express

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