This Is Home - Alters, Arc 2

831 50 50

(WC: 2184
Category: Angst
Warnings: Hallucinations, death, still might hit close to home for some people

Okay this is one of the saddest things I've written recently

Also added the lyrics here to be consistent with Feelings Are Fatal, even though some of them don't really match. Tried my best to make sure that it matched up, though.

You might have also seen I removed the "Ship type" category, and that's mainly because I'm cutting back on the shippy content for now.

This oneshot is dedicated to a very special One_Pan_Band because I know how much you loVE this song

Enjoy :D)

NPG was back where he started. Which is to say, alone.

Grian had left in a hurry, and it was all his fault--he'd scared Grian off, and he wasn't going to be coming back anytime soon. He wasn't able to comfort him or make him feel better. In other words, he had failed.

Truthfully, NPG wasn't quite sure what he had done to drive Grian away. He had simply been trying to make sure he was okay, but for some reason, Grian seemed...scared. Repulsed. An emotion he'd never seen directed towards him. It made him feel...well.

He didn't really feel anything anymore.

NPG hoped, though, that his friends could make him feel better--Taurtis, and another person...Sam. Yes, that was it. Grian told him stories about those two often.

Often I am upset
That I cannot fall in love but I guess
This avoids the stress of falling out of it

His vision cut out again, staying like that for a good minute. He'd have to tell Grian to fix it next time he visited, he'd know what to do. Then he remembered that Grian might not ever be coming back.

Maybe he'd never be fixed.

But maybe it was for the better. Maybe he deserved to be left alone. After all, he was unrepairable. Maybe it was better to just be left abandoned.

He pushed himself against the corner of the closet. The wood was cracked and splintered. The hangers and clothing were all covered in a thick layer of dust. No light was let in, so it was always dark. Everything in this closet was old, abandoned, and broken.

Including him.

Are you tired of me yet?
I'm a little sick right now but I swear
When I'm ready I will fly us out of here

NPG thought he heard footsteps down the closet. No, it couldn't be. He was imagining things.

"Hello?" he called out, trying not to let his hopes up. "Grian, is that you?"

Grian poked his head out from behind a hanging coat. When he saw his robot clone, a huge smile grew on his face. "NPG! There you are. C'mon, let's go outside for a bit."

I'll cut my hair
To make you stare

NPG followed him dutifully out of the closet. The floorboards barely made a sound as he walked across them. The sun was peeking out from behind the clouds today, letting in a steady stream of light that gave the room a cheery, warm feel.

The buildings Grian and he had spent months building looked no worse for wear, like they had been built recently. Just looking at them gave NPG a small pang of sadness. He missed doing simple things like that.

Grian brushed off a thin layer of dust from the closet, then took a seat on the floor.

"Oh, man, have I got a lot to tell you." he shifted from side to side in excitement. "I've been so busy lately, you don't even know--we started up this new world called Evo, with a bunch of other people, and we're basically traveling through all the old updates until we hit the recent ones. It's going to be insane, I'm so excited for it..."

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