Warriors - Alters, Arc 5

635 34 66

(WC: 2044
Category: Angst
Warnings: Death, wounds/injuries, blood

This is the final Alters Arc, which is crazy. I feel like this has been a standalone book instead of a short miniseries, I've put so much time and effort into this. It's been a wild ride, and I'm so happy with how this series turned out.

Since this is over, I have a quick question. Would you guys like to see a notes/info chapter talking about the meaning behind each arc or some general notes about this multishot? I'd be happy to put together one!

I was dreading the fight scenes in this oneshot, but I actually really loved writing the combat techniques/comparisons and fights between Wels and Hels. Might do another fight-scene focused chapter in the future, maybe over on AO3 :O


Hels has been planning ever since his confrontation with Wels.

He sat in his small camp in the Nether, trying to figure out what his next move was going to be. Wels had defeated him easily enough the first time--it turned out his alter was smarter than he looked. The fight had been over in less than 10 minutes. Hels had retreated back to the Nether, ashamed and embarrassed.

That wasn't going to happen next time.

This time, instead of using wits like Wels did, Hels decided to use brute force.

There was another problem during the fight. Not only did Wels outsmart him, but he outmatched him in gear and skill. Wels hadn't been wearing his enchanted diamond armor, but he made up for his lack of protection with weapons. While Hels had been using a golden sword that barely had any life in it, Wels had his enchanted diamond sword.

It hadn't been a fair fight.

But why did Hels want to fight Wels again so much? It wasn't just to get revenge, like most of the Hermits figured when they heard about the first battle. It was also to prove that he was just as capable as Wels, even if he was an alter. Most people assumed that alters weren't as smart or as strong as their main counterparts. And Hels wanted to prove them wrong. To prove Wels wrong.

So, he had started to make preparations.

His temporary base was short on space and incredibly stuffy, but that was fine with him. What mattered was the location of it.

Unbeknownst to the Hermits, Hels had set up his camp right above their towering Nether hub. His camp was buried in the ceiling, nearly touching the dome of the hub. The Hermits couldn't see him, but he could see them.

Hels didn't stay in his camp often, though. Most of his time was spent roaming the Nether terrain, trading with piglins and mining below for ancient debris.

Piglins were difficult to get under control, and Hels dreaded trading with them. It was essential, though, if he wanted things like ender pearls and potions to level the playing field.

On the short breaks where he was staying in his small camp, Hels eavesdropped on the passing Hermits going through the portal. This particular portal led to the Shopping District, and it had a lot of foot traffic.

A few times, he saw Wels, but not as often as some of the other Hermits. He wanted to lunge out and strike back, but it wasn't the right time. He wasn't ready.

One day, one of the Hermits misplaced their shulker box with spare diamond gear, including a full set of armor, an unenchanted sword, and an Efficiency V pick. Hels was more than happy to take all of it.

The pick was great for tunneling underground for ancient debris. Once he gathered enough Netherite to upgrade all this armor and weapons, he'd be on the same level as Wels.

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