Drawing - Stress x Iskall

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(WC: 480
Category: Humor, fluff
Ship type: Platonic
Warnings: None

This was originally going to be a part of an OTP Drabble chapter in works, but it turned out to be way too long compared to the others. So here's one early!

I'm also trying to use the they/them pronouns for Iskall since his character is technically non-binary.)

"Hey, Iskall! Whatcha doing?"

Iskall jumped, closing their sketchbook hastily. "Uh, nothing--"

Stress grinned. "Aw, c'mon. You can tell me! I won't laugh, I promise."

She'd caught Iskall at an awkward time. They were sitting on top of their omega tree canopy branches, waiting for Mumbo to arrive to do some End busting. Instead, Stress had spotted them, which was bad, considered they were drawing her.

They'd been at it for maybe thirty minutes, trying to replicate her as best as possible. They'd used pastel pink and baby blue colored pencils and drawn Stress in a two-tone sketch.

"It's nothing, I swear," they said. "What are you doing here, anyway?"

"I wanted to check out the progress of your tree." She admired the branches. "It's turning out great, by the way!"

"Uh, thanks." Iskall tried to tuck their notebook into their pack.

Stress spotted the movement and playfully glared at them. "You're so secretive! What are you trying to hide, huh?" She raised an eyebrow. "Something I, specifically, shouldn't see?"

"Ye--no, no, no..."

She giggled. "I'm just messing with you." She sat down next to them. "I'm curious, though. What were you drawing?" She made a grab for the sketchbook.

Iskall twisted, almost falling off the branch. "Fine, fine." They took out the sketchbook. Stress would find a way to look at it sooner or later. They opened it slowly, flipping past the pages of half-finished staircase designs and concept doodles of their industrial district.

They hesitated on the last page, glancing over at Stress. She playfully stuck her tongue out and blew them a raspberry. "C'mon, you big meanie! Show me!"

"Fine, fine." They turned the page and reluctantly showed Stress the picture.

Stress had a light smile on her face, but it sort of dropped as she examined the picture. "It's...lovely!"

"You like it?" Iskall's heart started pounding. They were worried that they did something wrong.

"...Yeah! Uh...what is it, exactly?"


Stress tilted her head, looking at the drawing from different angles. "Oh! I know! It's a...uh, hippo...potamus?"


"Oh, then, what is it, then? I like it! The colors you used are really pretty." Stress was still looking at the drawing with a confused expression.

Iskall's mind starting running, trying to come up with an answer. Apparently, the drawing wasn't discernable to her. They didn't know if they should be relieved or offended. They weren't that bad at drawing, were they?

"It's, uh, an abstract artwork."

"Oh, really?" Stress looked at the sketch with a newfound perspective. She shoved Iskall playfully. "Aw. I didn't know you had an artistic bone in you!"

"Yeah...yeah." They let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, do you think you could make one for me, too?"

"Oh, uh, yeah! Sure thing."

This time, it would use the colors omega green and brown.

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