Break My Heart - Grian x Ex

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(WC: 1134
Category: Flangst
Ship type: Romantic
Warnings: None

I feel like the Gex Revolution is going to come for me once I post this

Onesided love is fun to write lol. And for some reason, it's always someone crushing on Grian, and Grian liking someone else-


Ex sat on his bed, his bright pink blanket swaddled around him as he wrote in a leather-bound journal. Xisuma had given it to him along with some Chorus ink the other day so that way he wasn't staring blankly at the wall all the time.

The quill he was using accidentally skidded across the page, making a wet ink blot that crossed out the drawing he was making. Ex groaned slightly and tore out the page, crumpling it up and throwing it across the room, where it joined the ever-growing pile of papers in the corner of his cave.

A small knock came from the entrance of his cave. Ex turned towards the opening and felt his heart jump a little when he saw Grian standing there, the sun shining behind him.

Grian smiled a bit and looked pointedly towards the crumpled papers. "Hi. Am I interrupting something?"

"Uh—no. Come in, it's alright."

Grian walked in and flopped onto Ex's bed. "I'm back again. For what, like the fifth time this week?"

Ex couldn't help but smile at that. Along with X and Hels, Grian was one of the people who visited his mountain cave the most often. Probably because he didn't mind the high altitudes like other Hermits did, but Ex enjoyed his presence.

In fact, he looked forward to Grian's visits, even though he didn't want to admit it.

"I brought you something." Grian dug into his inventory and pulled out two crisp, freshly picked golden flowers. He presented them to Ex with a huge smile on his face.

Ex's eyes widened. Was this some kind of romantic gesture? What was Grian implying?

Then he realized two things.

One, these flowers were picked from the bed of golden flowers X had planted outside of Ex's cave, which was why they looked freshly picked.

Two, he was allergic to flowers.

Ex let out a loud sneeze and held the flowers as far away from him as possible. Grian burst out laughing. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You should have seen the look on your face!"

Ex rubbed his nose and sniffed loudly. "You're so mean, you know that?"

"You love it, though." Grian grabbed Ex's pink blanket and tossed it over his head.

Ex let out a muffled shout as Grian tousled his hair under the blanket, purposefully messing it up. "Oi! Let me go, you meanie!"

Grian, still giggling, pulled off the blanket. Ex tried to smooth down his messed-up hair, but it was a losing battle. Grian took the golden flowers from him and tucked them back away into his inventory.

He smiled at Ex again, and Ex felt a small shiver up his spine. "I still can't believe you, of all people, are allergic to flowers."

"It's not my fault," Ex protested loudly, but he wasn't too bothered. He was always at ease when Grian was around. It was one of the things that he liked most about him.

"Yeah yeah. Anyway," Grian continued, "I started this huge base project in the Nether. It's basically my mansion, but built upside down. I invited a few people so hopefully I'm not alone there."

Ex was reminded of when he used to stay in the Nether—he'd spent almost 2 and a half years in there all alone. Unlike Grian, though, he didn't have the option to invite anyone.

"And—get this." Ex snapped out of his reverie to see Grian gesticulating wildly in the air. "I made a zombified piglin farm!! Can you believe it?? Me! By myself! I mean, granted, it doesn't involve a lot of redstone, but still! I made a farm! Are you proud of me?"

Ex nodded and smiled. "Yup. Good job, Grian." His smile grew as Grian puffed up with pride, obviously proud with himself.

He'd been listening to Grian's redstone tales ever since he barged into Ex's cave, yelling that he had successfully made an item sorter at the top of his lungs. It was nice watching him improve on his skills.

"Oh, and in other news, Stress has been over recently, too. She planted some alliums all over my mansion, but I'm not complaining...they make a nice accent anyway."

Ex's face fell a bit. Not this again.

Grian didn't seem to notice. "Oh, remind me before I go. I need to give those golden flowers to her."

Ex winced a bit at that last remark. Grian had given them to him jokingly, but with Stress, it was genuinely.

It wasn't so much that Ex was jealous of Stress. If anything, he was just sad that Grian didn't like—or love, more like—him the way he did.

Because there was no denying it.

Ex loved Grian.

From the first time Grian looked at Ex, he knew he liked him. As Grian visited him in his cave more often, and more of his personality--his playful, endearingly annoying personality--was revealed, Ex knew he was more than just a passing crush. It was way more than that.

He shouldn't have fallen in love with Grian, but it was too late now. It was like he was falling deeper and deeper into a hole he dug for himself every time he shot a smile towards him, or accepted another round of flowers and sneezed loudly. And there was no way out.

But, of course, Grian liked someone else. Stress. She was always a topic that was brought up whenever Grian came to visit him, and Ex just had to smile and nod like it didn't bother him.

And the thing was, Grian felt like he could confide in Ex. So, since Stress was a major part of his life, he always talked about her. "Stress gave me some alliums the other day. Stress has to run for mayor, but I'm the campaign manager for Mumbo. Stress and I spent a night stargazing together."

Of course he liked someone else. Why would he like Ex? He was just a friend to him.

Ex had had past crushes, too...but none of them made him feel the same way Grian did. He'd liked Hels for a short while, even if the two of them had gotten off on the wrong foot. Joe was another, too; he could always visit Ex when he stayed in the Nether. 

Grian used to joke that an intelligent robot he'd built years ago, NPG, would be a good match for him. "You're both evil clones! It's a perfect offense or anything." 

Ex had laughed like it was funniest thing, but when Grian turned back his face fell. He didn't want NPG. He wanted the real Grian.

He couldn't help his quickening heartbeat when Grian came to visit. He couldn't control his overwhelming feelings for him, either. 

He just couldn't let go now. 

Even if he knew, one day, Grian would break his heart.

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