Sweater Weather - Grian x Scar

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(WC: 1050
Category: Flangst
Ship type: Romantic
Warnings: Mentions of scars

Double update because I feel like I need to make up for 10 days of not updating lmao

For background information, let's say this happened in Season 6 in the New Hermitville village before the huge buildoff. 

Ending kinda sucks, but I liked the concept enough to publish it :D


The snow fell lightly from the sky, covering the rooftops as if someone was sprinkling sugar on them. The gibbous moon cast soft rays of light, and the twinkling stars aided it in illuminating the night sky. The colorful Christmas lights hanging from the houses provided a cheery atmosphere, even if the weather was freezing. The stillness of the night was calming.

Scar sat on a bench next to a streetlamp, hugging his arms and shivering in the cold. His brown trench coat did little to insulate him. The only other winter attire he had was a knitted green scarf from Cub, but it wasn't doing him any good.

He'd been waiting outside for about 5 minutes now. If Grian didn't show up soon, he was going back to the warmth of his house.

Just then, the sounds of shoes clacking against the stone pathway could be heard. Grian was walking towards him, looking much more prepared for the cold weather in his wool Christmas sweater, earmuffs, and scarf. He was carrying two steaming mugs.

"Hey!" Grian shot Scar a grin. "Sorry I'm late. I was waiting for my water to boil so I could make hot chocolate."

He handed a mug to Scar, who gratefully took it. As he took a sip, he immediately felt his insides warming. "Mmm. Thanks, G. I was really cold."

"No kidding." Grian sized up Scar's clothing. "That trenchcoat of yours won't protect you in the cold. Don't you have anything else to wear?"

"Considering I spend most of my time inside with Jellie at the fireplace, no."

Grian shook his head. "Hold on, hold on. Lemme grab something." He set down his mug on the bench and hurried back to his house.

A moment later, he came back with a familiar-looking red sweater. "Here, you can have this."

Scar hoped his cheeks were red because of the cold and not Grian's offer.

"No, no, I couldn't--"

"No, really. Take it! I have my Christmas sweater for the winter. You can have it for now--I was going to shove it in the back of my closet. This is a better use for it."

Scar reluctantly took the sweater. It was warm, like it was newly washed. He ran a hand over the soft fabric, then shrugged his trench coat off and pulled on the sweater. Instantly, he felt warmer.

"Y'know..." Grian laughed a bit. "That sweater actually looks better on you than on me."

Yeah, his cheeks were definitely red now.

Oblivious, Grian kept talking. "Oh, you know what we should do next winter? Make matching Christmas jumpers! I can teach you how to make one. Oh, we can wear matching ugly Christmas sweaters! What do you think?"

Scar smiled a bit, amused by Grian's antics. "Sounds great."

"Good. I'll wear the 'Idiot #1' sweater, and you can have the 'Idiot #2' one."

"I honestly can't tell if you're joking or not."

"Scar, I never joke about ugly Christmas sweaters." Grian leaned against the streetlamp, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. "My swearer really does look good on you. Maybe it's your green eyes."

Scar shifted in his seat awkwardly. He wanted to tell Grian that he looked nice in anything, especially his red sweater. But he kept his mouth shut.

If only you knew.

Scar hadn't realized he'd had feelings for Grian until the huge ConCorp/Sahara rivalry. Oh, sure, he'd noticed him before that, but he'd never interacted with him that much. Then, something clicked. There was just something about him that was just so...endearing. Loveable. And as he got to know Grian more, his feelings grew too.

Grian had no idea. Scar was slowly working up the courage to talk to him about it. But how would he react? Would he be shocked? Happy? Sad? Disgusted? Every time he was about to talk to him, his self-doubt barricaded him from doing it.

Then Grian's eyes wandered to something behind Scar. He didn't need to turn around to see who it was. Grian only looked that way for one person...and it wasn't him.

Her short brown locks framed her face. Her smile made the colorful Christmas lights seem dim. Her pink cardigan was paired with a knitted white scarf, and she wore shorts despite the frigid weather. Then again, as the Ice Queen, she wasn't fazed by the cold.


As she walked by, she waved cheerfully at Scar and Grian. "Ello! Are you lot enjoying the cold?"

"No, not really. Wait, why are we out here, anyway?" Grian looked at Scar. "Scar, why are we out here?"

Scar could only shrug. He didn't say anything, though his eyes lingered on Stress--and not in the same way Grian's did.

Stress giggled a bit. "Well, I'm enjoying it. Anyway, I'm just passing by to say hi. Gotta go--Xisuma needs me to help decorate the Christmas District."

"Hey, I've gotta go there, too." Grian set down his mug. "I've been asked to build some decorations there."

"Ooh, we could all go together! What about you, Scar?"

Scar had been asked to terraform the district, but he had already done that. He shook his head, not saying anything.

"Aww. Well, we'll see you later then, alright?" Stress turned around, Grian jogging to catch up with her. His mug lay forgotten next to Scar.

Even though they couldn't see him, Scar waved halfheartedly at their retreating figures.

He was about to go back into his house when he saw Grian put one arm around Stress's shoulder.

Suddenly, the sweater Grian had given him didn't seem as warm.

He couldn't hate Stress, though. She was too nice, and she didn't do anything. She just happened to like the same person Scar did.

And, unfortunately, she had won him over.

Scar almost laughed at the irony. Who would choose him over Stress? He had a large scar, true to his name, slashed across his left eye. Stress didn't have any of that. She was likeable and always so positive. Scar sure wasn't. He wasn't half as pretty as Stress was. Why would Grian choose him when she was an option?

Deep down, he knew he wished he was Stress.

He hugged his arms again, the cold coming back in full force, then turned his back and walked back to his house alone.

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