Resurrections - Alters, Arc 3

855 40 32

(WC: 1764
Category: Angst
Warnings: Death

Just killed an alter, feeling good

In all seriousness, though, this was a fun one to write. If you look at it, Alters is the Origins for alt accounts, though it's not starting for them it's ending fdhskjhfdksjh-

Ignore the fact that there is literally a song in the Celeste OST titled "In The Mirror" because Resurrections suits this oneshot more thanks

Also, if you look at it, this also follows the storyline of Celeste. False and True could totally be Madeline and Badeline :O

But that's for another time. For now, enjoy :D)

The skies were blue and cloudless. The sun cast rays of bright light that reflected off the ocean waters. The wind was good today--enough to hold your wings up steadily, but not enough so you felt out of control. All in all, it was a beautiful day.

Of course, on Hermitcraft, you didn't get a day like this without something going wrong.

False was expecting a freak lightning strike to smite her into oblivion. Maybe her elytra would break and she would get her first death by bellyflopping from 100 feet up into the ocean below. Her good luck wouldn't last much longer.

But it did. Her stores had made a healthy amount of money. She managed to snag a good loot box in Decked Out. She even secured a trade with Stress, completing an artifact set and adding a point to her name.

As False flew back to her base, she did a little loop in midair, smiling to herself. It felt good to be out in the sun again, skimming the ocean's waters below. She missed the feeling.

As she flew inside her base, she made a sudden turn up, rocketing into a small room on the side, almost at the very top of her base. The floors up here were almost never visited, and it was built as discreetly as possible as to not attract attention. The light barely came in from here. And it was all because of one thing.

In the corner, hidden by shadows, stood a tall, nondescript mirror. It had a plain spruce wood frame, splintered and weathered by age. A cloth tarp hid the reflective surface itself. Dust gathered on the floor, and cobwebs lined the corners.

False readied herself. This might just be where her luck ran out. She strode up to the mirror and yanked the tarp off, coughing as dust flew into the air.

Unlike the wood frame, the mirror was shiny and clear of any grime that should have gathered. False also knew that the glass was unbreakable...from both sides.

Other than that, though, the mirror was normal. Until, of course, you noticed that False lacked a reflection.

False sighed, sounded more irritated than concerned. She waved her hand in front of the mirror, careful not to touch the glass.

"Hello? Are you there?"

A moment of silence passed, then a figure slid into view. It looked exactly like False, except for the fact that it wore a scowl instead of a tentative smile.

"True." The reflection spat out the name.

For it wasn't the real False outside of the mirror--it was her reflection, True.

If you looked closely, there were some differences between False and her reflection. True's skin, hair, and clothing looked less saturated, leaning more on the bland, gray side than the vibrant colors False normally had. You couldn't tell who was who unless they were standing right next to each other, like they were now.

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