Never Forgotten

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(WC: 1641
Category: Hurt/comfort, flangst
Warnings: None

Okay so remember how I said this was coming December 14? Yeah I got lazy. Plus I need to post here again

Ignore the fact that Bdubs's half house doesn't exist anymore the entire oneshot rode on that fact and it's too late to change it sldfkgjlksd

This is the first part in a 6-part multishot counting down to Christmas! I don't have a set schedule for this, but 5 out of 6 parts will come out before Christmas. The final part will come December 25.

If you remember last year, I did a Countdown similar to this. This time, I'm doing it a bit differently. You see the lyrics before the oneshot? There's a segment of the song I'm using for each part. I'll reveal the song on the final part, but if you want to go ahead and figure it out for yourself, feel free :D

Enjoy this first installment!)

I know it won't always be the same

Feelings don't change, they never fade away

Doc didn't do anything special for Christmas.

He usually didn't. Maybe a bit of decorations here and there, and some presents exchanged now and then. But he didn't go all out like some of the other Hermits. Not anymore. Mainly because he didn't have anything to celebrate for the occasion.

Or, for that matter, anyone to celebrate with.

He used to celebrate with the nHo. They had had some fun times together, made some fond memories with one another. Those Christmases had been the most memorable by far. Doc missed it.

But then, the nHo had started disbanding, one by one. They lost touch, over time. Doc had spent Season 6's Christmas alone, under the giant tree in the Christmas District, with no one to spend time with. He'd been incredibly alone then, as his closest friends were gone.

He knew he shouldn't expect things to stay the same forever. But it was still jarring to find out it happened so early. He'd been expecting it to last much longer before the inevitable. It felt like a slap in the face, bringing him back to reality and telling him that change was coming.

Last Christmas, his only wish had been for the nHo to come back to what it used to be.

Then, he'd gotten his wish. Or, at least, he thought he did.

Things with the nHo didn't magically return back to normal like he'd hoped. Things turned a bit weird between them, not as close as they used to be. New friendships had been formed over time, and Doc found that they didn't hang out as much as before.

He knew that it would never be the same now. But that didn't stop him from wishing.

This season, he didn't know what to do. Part of him wanted to hang out with a group this time. Another part thought he would be barging in. He didn't even decorate his base this year, which made it look really pathetic compared to people like Scar, who had gone out and got those stupidly large Santa inflatables then placed them all over their lawn.

He finally consented to wandering the Shopping District, looking at the new builds that had been popping up recently. The Shopping District was somewhat sparse; only a few shops had been decorated. Most Hermits put effort into decorating their base, as that's where they would be spending their time.

And that's when he got snowed out.

Just his luck.

As he waded knee-deep through the snow, Doc had an addled thought about Grian's little ahoge being the only thing sticking out from the snow. The rest would be underneath, unable to be seen. All thoughts aside, he'd better get inside quickly before the snow piled up around him.

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