Feelings Are Fatal - Alters, Arc 2

985 50 23

(WC: 1644
Category: Soft angst
Ship type: None
Warnings: Swearing

I've got 10% battery and no charger so if you never hear from me again assume the worst

This was originally a vent fic, so it might hit a little too close for home as it did for me. I also added the lyrics from the song in for extra angst™

Also no this doesn't pertain to Swap I think I tortured NPG enough in that already lmao


Grian leaned against the wooden door of his closet, the recently oiled hinges barely sounding. The sunlight streamed in from a nearby window, lighting up the entire area. Grian set down his lantern--the natural light from outside would be enough to see.

On the other side of the room, what looked like an exact replica of Grian sat on the floor. If you looked closely, though, you could spot a few differences. The replica's eyes were a dark shade of brown, almost black, while Grian's eyes were dark violet. The replica sat stiffly, and Grian was slouching slightly.

The replica was NPG, otherwise known as NPC Grian. He was a robot clone Grian had built, and the two were almost identical.

"So what do you want to do today?" Grian asked. "It's gorgeous out."

"I dunno." Even the robot's voice box sounded almost like a human's. "We could build again, if you want."

"Oh, come on. We've been building for the last few days. Why not mix it up a little? Why not just, I dunno, sit and talk?"

Grian sat down on the floor to demonstrate and made himself comfy. "You always stay here. I could catch you up on what's happening over on Hermitcraft! A lot has gone down, you know."

There was the slightest bit of hesitation from NPG, almost unnoticeable.

"Sure. Why not?"

Grian started to talk animatedly about the shenanigans that had been happening--civil wars, tag games, hot potatoes...he'd missed a lot.

I'm happy for you
I'm smilin' for you
I'd do anything
For you, for you

NPG just smiled and nodded like he was supposed to. He was used to hearing Grian's tales, though he suspected that they were always far-fetched. I mean, a war that had started over a "Fork of Friendship"? No way that was real.

Sometimes, NPG wished that Grian would give him a chance to talk, too. Or at least not always have the attention focused on him. It was always this way--Grian would suggest something and get right to it, not realizing NPG didn't have a say in the matter.

It's always for you
And never for me

These thoughts were always pushed to the side, though. Just keep smiling and nodding, smiling and nodding. It was the mantra NPG always repeated to himself whenever those thoughts came around.

And I need it to stop
So let me tell you, please

The truth was, NPG was hiding emotions that he didn't want Grian to see. To Grian, he was the perfect robot--no bumps or kinks to work out. He was just a robot who did what he was supposed to and didn't disobey.

But there was no way he was telling Grian that. Grian was happy as it was.

He didn't want Grian to feel the same way he did.

I'm always sad
And I'm always lonely
But I can't tell you
That I'm breaking slowly

NPG's vision stuttered for a moment, cutting out before returning to normal. It had been this way for a bit, but he was scared to bring it up to Grian for fear that he'd start stressing out over something that was probably just a minor glitch.

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