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(WC: 1660
Category: Humor, crossover (+ crackfic?)
Ship type: None
Warnings: None

I get to bully Discord hell yeah

Heavily inspired by Ariyaquila's oneshot about X finding the fandom, plus a prompt by xX16Melody16Xx

This is probably the closest thing I've ever written to a crackfic, so here y'all go)

For reasons that totally weren't plot convenience, a portal had appeared in the middle of the server.

Well, it wasn't really much of a portal. It was more like a rip between worlds. This could happen sometimes when the world would get too laggy. Usually, the portal would take you to a neighboring server: Hypixel, Truly Bedrock, SMPLive, even the remains of Evo at one point. There was one time when the portal led to 2b2t, but we don't talk about that.

X would do his admin magic and close the rip, but this time seemed different. Normally, you could see what was on the other side of the rip. This rip only had a blank white space in it, like it was trying to hide.

X shook his head. He had things to do. But curiosity was getting the better of him.

"Beeshwamy!" Keralis said, coming up behind X. "You doing okay?"

"Yeah, I'm alright."

Keralis studied the rip in front of them. "Where do you think it goes?"

"I dunno. The last time I went through one, I went into a modded server called Crazycraft, I think. I almost died."

The rip was located right in front of Cleo's Head Games podium, and since this was a hotspot for a lot of Hermits, it wasn't going to go unnoticed. In fact, Grian and Scar were coming through the Nether portal, probably to check the Bounty Board for the fifth time today.

"Hey, Ex-eye-sooma," Grian said, flying down. As X predicted, he checked the Bounty Board for any updates.

"Securing your win of 5000 points?" X joked. "Now you're just rubbing it in."

"Hey, look, you're on the bounty board for 150 points." Grian casually pulled out his sword.

Scar finally popped in, having chosen to use his "Wizards Fruit" instead of just flying down. He appeared in a poof of purple particles on top of Grian, and the two of them landed in a heap.

"Don't kill Shashswamy just yet, he's trying to close this portal!" Keralis said.

"Just yet?" X protested.

Grian grinned and checked out the orange rip in front of them. "Where does it go?"

Uh oh. "We don't know," X said.

"Grian, no--" Scar started to say.

"Well, why don't we go and find out?"

"Grian, an anarchy server tried to blow up Season Four--"

"Excellent! Let's go!"

X tried to type in a command, but Grian pulled him towards the portal. "Relax, I'm just going to poke my head in."

"And you could get eaten by some crazy mod. It almost happened to me."

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