Lingering Tension

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(WC: 1828
Category: Humor
Warnings: None


The ending honestly just turned into ZIT being three idiots sharing a braincell but I'm not complaining I missed writing em (I'm so sorry for the crappy endings to these oneshots lately)

I call this the Turf War But It's Slightly Serious AU, where parts of the war were more serious (like Bdubs and Scar trapping the Resistance, getting really competitive during Showdown/RipZone), but other parts, not so much. In the end, it was mostly fun and games. So there's some lingering tension (but not as much if the war was 100% serious)


And just like a compass

That leads the way

We may take the long road

But I'll never fade

Things after the Turf War didn't automatically return to normal.

Zedaph purposefully didn't get involved in the Turf War because he didn't want to get caught in the crossfire. He didn't usually take part in things like this, instead wanting to focus on his own personal projects. Getting caught in the crossfire wasn't something he wanted to do.

Impulse and Tango, the remaining parts of ZIT, on the other hand, usually decided to get fully involved. This time, they'd ended up being on opposite teams--Impulse on the Resistance team, Tango on HEP's side.

That had been a little jarring to all three of them--it was a direct reminder of Season 6's Civil War, where they had had the exact same lineup: Impulse and Tango on opposing teams, and Zed staying out of it.

The only difference this time around was, instead of things going back to normal like the Civil War had, there was some lingering tension. Subtle tension, but noticeable enough to Zed that he wanted to do something about it.

One day on a cold December morning, Zed had woken up--on the right side of the bed--and messaged Impulse and Tango separately. Both of them had received the same gist:

<ZedaphPlays> D'you think you could help me test out of my contraptions? My portal crosshub thingy is messing up for some reason, and I need your superior redstone prowess as assistance :D

He purposefully left out the fact that he'd invited the other person along, too, wanting it to be a surprise. Of course, his extensive redstone knowledge would never fail him, and his portal crosshub wasn't broken at all.

He just wanted to see if he could get the old ZIT team back again.

Impulse arrived first, around noon. Zed looked up from his tinkering with his x-ray minecart system and waved cheerfully at his visitor. "Hello, Impulse! Thanks for coming!"

"No problem," Impulse replied, scanning the Cave. "You've been busy during the war, huh?"

"Absolutely. While you guys were fooling around with your purple fungus and dirt, I was making state-of-the-art space stations! For pigs! Zero-g pigs!"

"Glad to see you haven't lost your charm during the war," Impulse laughed a bit.

Zed feigned a shocked gasp. "I would never!"

He led Impulse to the Nether portal beside his bed, gesturing to it. "Okay, so when I step through this portal and back, it doesn't place me here. It puts me at the portal near my storage area."

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