Slow Dancing - Mumbo x Iskall

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(WC: 1890
Category: Fluff
Ship type: Platonic and some hinted romance
Warnings: None

Not gonna lie, I'm super proud of this oneshot.

I was once again inspired by Fandomsunite05, this time her oneshot "Beginnings and Endings". The thought of Mumbo and Iskall attempting to slow dance/waltz was just too cute--I couldn't resist. 

The setting of this story is somewhat the same as hers, partly because I'm too lazy to come up with another setting and partly because I loved the concept of Hermitcraft celebrating a new season like New Year's.

Also, I was looking for waltz music to add and I found this old gem. My god, Mumskall dancing to an Undertale/Deltarune medley...I think I might explode-)

It was the eve of a new season. Hermitcraft was ready to move on to Season 7.

The Shopping District was decorated for the festive occasion--yellow and blue lights were strung over most of the shops, the moon was rising, music was playing, and everyone was having a blast, admiring Season 6 one last time before they left the world for good.

Iskall sat with Mumbo and Grian, the three of them reminiscing over the old days, back when Season 6 was just starting. They sat on the steps leading up to the Sahara warehouse and watched all the other events from the vantage point.

Grian burst out into a fit of giggles. "Do you remember Buildstone's old logo, Mumbo? With the coal eyes and the Redstone mustache?"

"Oh my god...yeah, I do!" Mumbo laughed as well. "I'm so glad we changed the name to Architects, it's so much better. Remember that gravel door you used to reveal it?"

"This is why I needed you! I was hopeless--I couldn't run a business."

Iskall leaned back, taking in the view and listening to his friends banter on. It was amazing how much Season 6 had grown over the course of over a year. What had started as a barren plains biome had quickly morphed into the vast Shopping District they knew today. You could also see the start of the Futuristic District in the distance, as well as all the megabases scattered around. Snow was falling lightly on the ground, courtesy of the Ice Queen herself. The whole atmosphere just seemed to glow a bit brighter today.

Everyone else was hanging around in groups, remembering their own turn of events--the Prank War, the Jingler and Jangler, Demise, Area 77...the list went on. A new season was always looked forward to, but everyone would be sad to leave Sixfinity behind.

Iskall sipped their hot chocolate, smiling slightly. Grian noticed and shoved them playfully, causing their drink to spill onto their lap, but they didn't mind. "What're you smiling about, Iskall? Is there something you're not telling us?"

Shaking their head, Iskall said, "No...I'm just thinking about what Season 7 will be like."

"Oh, man, Season 7." Grian whistled softly. "We've been thinking about it for a while, but it's actually happening. We're gonna have to start from scratch. No god armor. No automated farms. That's weird to think about, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it'll certainly be interesting to have to get wood tools and have to cave and strip mine..." Mumbo trailed off. "I'm gonna miss my industrial district."

Grian grinned. "That reminds me: Remember your "unbreakable" safety bunker there? And the password was just 1 - 2 - 3 - 4?"

"Ohhh, don't remind me! I've given you too much blackmail!"

Iskall listened to them chatter on, setting their mug down and hugging their knees, bringing them closer to their chest. A gust of chilly wind blew through, and they involuntarily shivered.

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