Flame Blooper Reel - Hermittpad Oneshot

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(WC: 1247
Category: Hermittpad, roleplay
Ship type: Romantic Azuture (Azael x Future), I guess?
Warnings: Weird stuff that half of you probably won't get (and swearing watch out smol children)

I guess you guys need a bit of context for this...Basically, these are things that have been happening in the Flame Discord server, in which I've been RPing a lot recently. This isn't a serious oneshot, it's just something I wanted to write for fun and on-the-spot.

This oneshot includes _Ash-Potato_Jeina58, me, and Ariyaquila, and our RP names Azael, Grian Jr., Adri, and Future in the same order as the usernames. All other names are various characters in RP. Plus, we have a special guest from BarnowlNiza. Quill also did her own take on this oneshot, so if you haven't checked that out yet, go and do that!

The way I see it, the events that happen are like a movie (or a short film if they're shorter). So everyone's in a recording studio with their own mics, headphones, scripts, etc.

If any of you guys aren't familiar with the events that happen in the server, let me know what your thoughts were on this oneshot! I'd love to see your reactions. Enjoy!)

"...So we can figure out what to do next, you dimwit! Dal, you always seem to have a plan. What do we do?" Adri finished her lines, winked at Quill knowingly, then snorted with laughter. "Wait, wait, no. That's not it--"

Quill brought her microphone closer to her mouth and screeched into it loudly. Azael winced, the sound coming loud and clear in her headphones. "Geez--cut--!"


"I feel like we should wait for the ritual after Ax gets knocked out and Adri returns with Scarlette..." Adri trailed off, highlighting multiple parts of her script.

"The what?" Azael leaned forward in the sound booth, trying to follow. 

"Huh? Oh, sorry. I meant when the rest of them get back."

"I don't understand...?" 

"Ugh--I meant, when--wait, no! Ax is looking for--aaaaagh." Adri smacked her forehead. "Don't listen to me."

"What the hell is going on over there?" Quill asked, still invested in her own script. 

"I don't even know anymore." Adri threw her script across the studio.


"Hello!" Jeina walked back into the recording studio with a water bottle. "What'd I miss?"

"Hey--wait, oh my god." Adri let out a screech Quill would have been proud of. "WE FORGOT FRANCELINE--"

"We what??" Quill asked. "Oh my goodness--"

"OH." Azael came to the same realization. "Oh, NO."

"How could you forget me?" Jeina looked offended. "I'm in the script, too!"

"Don't ask me!" Adri yelled. "Ask the director, who apparently isn't doing her job!"

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT, OKAY!?" Azael threw her own script at Adri. "Look at this! Grian Jr. barely has any lines!"



Adri read the script in front of her, then looked at everyone with a bewildered expression. "Guys...do ghosts need to pee?"


"That's because she went to go use the bathroom, but all the toilets were exploded." Adri squinted at her script. "Huh...?"

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