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"Can you quit staring at me." Minho noticed the younger boy staring.

"S-Sorry.." Jisung quickly looked away, now feeling embarrassed for starring to long.

He couldn't help but stare since of how the older had such good looks and how familiar his face was.

Minho rolled his eyes, turning his focus to Chan and Changbin.

The two other boys were busy on Chan's computer figuring and finding things out.

Minho had already cleaned up everyone's empty dishes and was seated by Chan, looking over his shoulder.

Jisung on the other hand was busy trying not to pass out on the couch.

"Your going to have to be extra careful on not getting him caught." Chan begun.

"Why'd you say that?"

"Jisung is the son of one of the richest chairmans in Korea. Our boss will take any opportunity to get his hands on all that money. Make sure he doesn't contact anyone while he's here." Chan skimming through all the information.

"Great, I have to babysit a spoiled brat." Minho scuffs at the thought.

"Try being a little nice." The older boy smacks him on the shoulder.

"What? He can't hear me anyways he's passed out on the couch." Minho gestures to the passed out boy on the couch.

"He's been through a lot today, we should go." Chan closed his laptop and with Changbin right behind him they both walked out the door.

Minho was glad to have friends that he can trust and was willing to help in his situation.

He took a glance at the sleeping boy who's chubby cheek pressed against the arm rest.

He then covers the sleeping boy with a blanket and gently lifts his head, sliding a pillow underneath.

Minho took one last glance at the boy then turning off the lights.


"Jeongin! He's not answering his phone! We need to call the police!" Hyunjin called Jisung about 30 times and still no answer.

"You need to calm down Jinnie." Seungmin tried calmly the taller who couldn't stop freaking out.

It was now the next day and the three of Jisung's friends were blowing up his phone while they were all in Jisung's office.

"How can I stay calm. Ugh!" Hyunjin threw his hands in the air.

"What if he forgot to pack his charger? He can be vary forgetful half the time." Jeongin was on his phone on the couch.

"But he should've been here at work by now. He has a scheduled meeting in 20 minutes." Hyunjin looked over Jisung's busy schedule.

Before anyone could say anything the doors open with all their eyes focused on who was coming in hoping it was Jisung.

"Where's my beautiful rich fiancé?"

Hyunjin rolled his eyes at the woman he very much disliked, Jiho.

"He isn't here yet, he's running a bit late. Can you please wait somewhere else?" Seungmin tried to shoo the girl away but she wasn't having it.

"You low life's, have no right speaking to me like that. I'm going to wait here till he gets here." She sat on the couch next to Jeongin but it didn't take long for him to move off the couch and head out with the other two.

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