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~ 7 years ago in Korea ~

Minho was on his way back from the store and heading back to his place.

He lived with his uncle who was loaded with money.

Once he opened the door to the mansion he was greeted by a little girl running down the stairs.

"Minho! Did you get my favorite?!" The little girl who was known as Yeojin, Minho's nine year old sister greeted him with a hug.

"Of course I did. How about we go upstairs and eat all this cheesecake before it goes bad." Minho suggested to his sister who happily agreed.

Yeojin ran up the stairs with the bag of her favorite food, strawberry cheesecake.

"Minho I need to speak with you for a second." Minho's uncle caught his attention.

Him and his younger sister lived with their uncle ever since their parents passed away by a car crash, which has was at least 5 years ago.

"I need you to go to Malaysia for a week. There is something I need from someone, and if they refuse then you already know what to do." His uncle handed him a plane ticket and a stack of cash.

"Can't you have someone else go? I always go on your little errands, and I promised Yeojin I'll go to her ballet residual tomorrow." Minho was tired of not being home for at least a full week at most.

"What have I told you before child? If you get to distracted with life I'll take it away in an instant. Now, do as I say." His uncle's cold stare and poisonous toned voice boiled Minho's blood.

"Are you going to take a child's life? Someone who is blood to you? Someone who is innocent and has no idea what the hell her family does?!" Minho raised his voice from all the anger boiling his blood.

"Business is business, she should've just died along with your parents, fewer people to distract you from work. Now be grateful I'm letting your sister live. I'll let you you got to that dance residual but you leave that night." Minho tried keeping himself from lashing out at his uncle, he didn't want to draw attention to his sister nor push the man he despised buttons.

Afraid one wrong move and his sister is gone.

Without another word, his uncle left the room leaving Minho clenching his fist in nothing but anger.

Minho took a deep breath then exhaling, calming himself down before appearing in front of his sister. Not wanting to worry the little one.

He walked up the stairs and into his sister's room that was heavily decorated in pink and toys scattered.

She had already dug into the food, leaving a little cheesecake on her face.

Minho just chuckled at the scene in front of him.

"Sorwey. You were taking forever! So I had a tiny bite..." She speaks with food still in her mouth.

"More like two slices, it's okay I bought this cheesecake for you, have as much as you want. Just not too much or you'll get a stomachache." Minho tickled Yeojin, causing her to giggle.

"I think I'm going to puke!" The little girl shouted, immediately Minho stopped.

"Gross! Don't you dare puke on me!" Minho stepped away with a grossed-out expression.

"Na! I'm good. Hehe, I said that so you'll stop." She giggled then went back to eating her food.

"I think that's enough cheesecake for you. Did you even have dinner yet?" Minho took the rest of the cheesecake which left Yeojin in a pout.

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