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"Is that so?"

Both of their bodies tensed in fear as they heard a cold tone of voice at the door.

The voice they wished it wasn't.

"B-Boss.." Chan quickly pulled his hand away from Felix's grasp as he faced the one he wished not to see.

"You know Chan, I trusted you." His boss came closer to the two, cold shivers down their spines. "You were like a son to me. Until you went behind my back and betrayed your own boss." He stopped in front Chan, looking down with a terrifying stare.


"Save it! I already went through your entire laptop, every message I've read. You know what happens to traders?" The boss reaches for his gun in his gun holder and aims it underneath Chan's chin.

Chan began to panic inside but kept himself calm on the outside, he couldn't help but think if this was the end for him.

"Please don't kill him!" Felix jumped in, his vision becoming foggy.

The boss scoffed from the freckled boy. He removed the gun away from Chan.

"Well I can't just let Chan leave with him knowing everything, can I? Death seems reasonable." His lips played into an evil grin.

"Please, don't." Felix continued to plead.

If Felix wasn't weak from the lack of food and water within the months he's been locked up he would use every fighting skill he knows and beat the complete shit out of him.

"You two must really love each other, guess it was a mistake trusting Chan with you. You can't do anything to me anyways if I murder him, you're useless—." He harshly pushes Felix to the ground. "And weak and—."

Before he could kick Felix, Chan quickly shot up and grabbed the gun from his boss, tossing it across the room and twisting both of his arms behind his back.

"Don't touch him." Chan growled with his blood boiling.

"You kids are pathetic." The boss grinned, throwing himself back roughly, causing Chan to slam into the wall behind him and lose his grip on the bosses arms.

The boss broke free, turned around and kneed Chan in the gut.

Chan was pulled up by his collar, a centimeter away from the other's face. "It's you're lucky day." He pushed Chan to the ground, kicking him in the gut.

"Enjoy the time you have together, because soon, time will be irrelevant." He let out a chuckle which made Chan wanting to wipe that devilish smile off his face.

With that, the boss had walked out. The sound of the big metal door locking from the outside was heard.

Felix and Chan looked towards each other, and in a matter of a millisecond, they were in each other's arms.

"I'm so sorry Chan." Felix whined, burying his head into Chan's chest.

Chan only held tighter, soothing the slight smaller boy. "It's okay, we're going to be okay."


"Minho, is it alright if I pick the movie?" Jisung asked, coming out from the bedroom where he had just changed from taking a shower.

"But it's my turn to pick." Minho prepared snacks, looking up to see Jisung in just a pair of his sweats. Minho couldn't help feel a rush push at his heart. He honestly couldn't help but love the way Jisung looked at times like this.

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