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"Donghyuk! How many times do I have tell you?! Aish! I'll do absolutely anything to get this possession! I've finally gotten this close and I'm not going to have you fuck me over." Soojin who was in the back of the car with her husband, outside of their shareholders meeting.

"But Soojin ever since your brother agreed to your father's possession you've been nothing but obsessed and crazy, acting like a complete spoiled brat! It's getting out of hand! I want the old Soojin back..." Donghyuk placed his hand on his wife's, a sad expression he displayed.

"My brother is gone, simply means I'll get what I want. You can forget about the supposedly old me because I'm not going back. Now don't forget to ack like a supportive husband when we walk in, we don't need any rumors spreading about our marriage is falling apart." She then leans in for kiss but Donghyuk leans away and got out of the car.

Soojin rolled her eyes and followed, exiting the car and into the building.

Once the two made it to the floor where the meeting was held in they see Jisung's three friends in the hall which caused Soojin's expression to sour.

"What the hell are you three doing here?" Soojin snarled just speaking to them.

"We want to speak with you, alone." Seungmin looked at the Donghyuk then Soojin.

"I'll meet you inside, make sure you do as I said." She yanked on her husband's tie with a cold glare into his eyes.

He only nodded and headed inside.

"Heard you'll not just be taking your father's company but Jisung's too." Hyunjin was very tempted to attack her right then and there but kept his composure, and not wanting to hit a woman.

"What about it?" She crosses her arms.

"Well we have all the paperwork for Jisung's business. I assume you would want it since you'll most likely get the votes of the meeting." Seungmin gestured to Jeongin who was holding a folder.

Soojin gave a questioning look, not sure the sudden kindness from the three.

"You think I'm this dumb to believe you guys?" She scoffs.

"Take a look for yourself, we made sure to grab everything you needed to sign." Jeongin hands her the folder.

"We finally came to reality that Jisung is no longer here with us. And we need someone to take over the company as soon as possible. None of us aren't eligible to handle such a big company." Seungmin explains.

"I'm surprised you guys seemed to mature in such a short amount of time. You three are such fools." Soojin flipped through every page, excitedly beamed a devilish smirk.

"Since we have 10 minutes before the meeting Hyunjin will help you fill out the papers, since he was Jisung's assistant." Seungmin adjusted his glasses, knowing well what he was doing.

"Fine, but you better not make me late." She closed the files and followed Hyunjin in a room.

She sat down at a desk along with Hyunjin.

"Shoot, I'll be right back." Hyunjin patted down his suit, seemingly like he forgot something.

He left the room and shut the door behind, locking it with a key.

Soojin heard the lock click and shot up from the desk, storming towards the door.

She jiggled the doorknob, beginning to pound on the door.

"She calls us fools?" Hyunjin chuckled then jumps at the banging against the door.

"Wait Minnie, aren't those copies still valid? She'll still fill them out and submit them in." Jeongin wasn't sure if this idea locking her in closet was a good idea.

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