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"Jisung! How did you get my number?!"

Minho was out doing some shopping then gets a call from the younger.

"I watched you fill out some paperwork this morning and you wrote down your number. Can I not have your number?" Minho could already tell Jisung was pouting.

"No you can't." He sternly said while looking at some gaming consoles.

"You can be so cold. But what about emergencies, like if I get kidnapped or something." Jisung plopped himself on the couch.

"Don't even say things like that." Jisung was taken back from the anger in his voice. Minho heavily sighed before speaking again. "You can keep my number, but only call me if there is an emergency."

Jisung happily smiled through the phone.

Minho was going to hang up but Jisung insisted he stayed on the call since he didn't want to be so lonely.

He ended up helping Minho pick out the right console and some fun video games Jisung loved to play on his free time.

Once Minho finished getting what he needed he was already out the door heading back.

He wasn't to far from the base so he decided he would just walk to the store and back.

Minho was still on the phone with Jisung not really paying attention to his surroundings as he was to busy talking with him and soft smile on display.

He walked past a big group of high school students. Without paying attention he accidentally bumped into a sixteen year old girl.

"Sorry." Minho quickly apologized without taking a glance.

"W-Wait!" The girl stopped Minho in his tracks.

He turned around wondering what the girl wanted. He took one glance, his heart aching at the sight of someone who seemed so familiar but his mind was somewhere else.

Her eyes began to drown in tears but she refused for them to fall.

"N-Nevermind." She lowered her head and ran off, meeting back up with her class.

Minho watched her run away from him, curious on what that was about.

His thoughts were broken when Jisung screamed through the phone trying to grab his attention.

"Ah! Jisung! Do you have to be so loud like that."

"Haha! Sorry hyung." Jisung giggled through the phone and hearing his sweet voice gave Minho butterflies.

It didn't take much longer for Minho to finally get back to his little home since the time flew talking with Jisung.

"Welcome back hyung!" Jisung was at the front door sitting on the floor, awaiting for the older.

"Why are you on the ground again?" Minho chuckled, watching the younger stand up.

"I was just waiting for you to come back." Jisung beamed another bright heart shaped smile.

"Wasn't even gone for that long, well anyways I got the console. You go set it up while I make us some lunch." He handed Jisung the bag, Jisung responding with a nod.

After Minho finished making them both their lunch and Jisung finished setting the game console up, they sat on the couch and began playing a game.

"Do you cheat at this game?!" Minho was raging from all the losses.

"I've been playing this game for years you can't beat me unless you're... FELIX! Oh my god! I know Felix! Chan's Felix! We would play this all the time when I visited him in Australia." Jisung jumped up from his seat, a random thought of the freckled Aussie boy.

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