ℂ𝕙. 𝟜𝟞

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A few days later it was still bright an early in the morning until Jisung wakes up to pounding at his front door.

Jisung sat up from being held in Minho's arm and eyes practically still closed, making his way out of his room and towards the front door. Bumping into a few walls on the way.

He tiredly rubs his eyes and opens the door, letting his eyes adjust he notices a worried Hyunjin standing in front of him.

"What the hell are you doing back from work? And what's wrong? You can't use your key?" Jisung's let the taller in, letting out a yawn.

"Ok one I lost the spare key you gave me and two, your dad wants you to come to work today. He said there isn't anytime to stay home, and may have over heard your sister saying she has dirt on you. What the hell did you do?!" Hyunjin loudly shouted waking up a few others in the apartment.

"Keep your voice down! People are trying to sleep! And great I wanted one more day off to spend with Minho! Ugh!" Jisung pouted, shuffling his feet to his room.

"You two are so loud. It's to early for this." Felix made himself to the kitchen, sitting at the table.

"Where's Chan?" Hyunjin noticed the older not by Felix's side.

"At work. But Changbin's home. I'm sure he's awake now." Felix looked up at the taller with a glare.

"I would love to go and talk with him right now but I need to drag Jisung's ass to work." Hyunjin went straight to the said boy's room and dragged him out of the room with him only in his boxers and his pants in his hands.

"I can't walk out with no pants on!" Jisung shouted, pulling away from him and jumping into his pants.

Once Jisung had pants on Hyunjin dragged him out of the penthouse and straight to their work.

"Was Hyunjin just here?" Changbin had just woken from the loud ruckus.

"You just missed him. He went back to work with Jisung." Felix heavily sighed before going on his phone.

Changbin didn't take any mind to it and went straight back to bed.


"Good you're finally here! Sorry but vacation is over for you there is to much that needs to be done." His father greeting him at work with a big smile while handing him much paper work.

"I'll get right on it." Jisung sighed giving Hyunjin some paperwork to carry.

"So what kind of dirt did my sister say she had on me?" Jisung couldn't wait to hear what made up lie she came up this time.

"I don't know but I have a feeling she knows where you went missing." Hyunjin wasn't sure if heard correctly when over hearing.

"What?! Shit! If she starts telling people I was in the mafia, do you know how bad that would look?! Knowing her she'll add a lie into it!" Jisung slammed his office door.

"That's why I have Seungmin keeping an eye her. Shes desperately trying get what you have. At this point I don't think she'll give up." Hyunjin couldn't believe how long this has been going on for.

"She's such a selfish brat." Jisung sat in his desk, stressfully raking his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, I'm the brat." The two looked straight at the said girl, cold glares exchanging around the room.

"What do you want Soojin?" Jisung coldly asked.

"Your place. I want you to quit now before I ruin your life." She rested the palm of her hand and leaned closer to her brother.

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