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It was the next day with Jisung staying home from work.

He was getting ready for the day to head back to where the accident took place at but he couldn't help but be stressed out about it. His stomach was becoming sick just thinking about it.

He was then interrupted from his thoughts by a knock at his bedroom door which made him jump.

"C-Come in!" Jisung mentally cursed at himself for stumbling on his words.

Seonghwa then walked through the doorway greeting the younger with a worried smile.

"I heard what happened yesterday and heard you're going where the scene took place?" Seonghwa wasn't sure if that was the best idea since it was so close to the mafia.

"Yeah, I'm desperate to know if my gut is right." Jisung knew this wasn't a great idea either.

"Do you need me to take you and Chan, I'm here to help by any means." The older knew how devastated everyone was, including himself since they were friends but he knew Jisung's heart was torn.

"It's okay, it would be best if fewer people go just in case." He wanted everyone safe as possible, he didn't know if the mafia boss was still out there.

"Are you sure?" Jisung nodded in response. "Alright, I hope you two would be safe out there. I won't be staying here anymore as I'll be staying with my boyfriend Hongjoong. Not to get hopes up but if you bring Minho back, call me." Seonghwa hoped Jisung was right about this.

"I'll make sure to let you know immediately and you're always welcomed here whenever." Jisung beamed the older a smile.

"I'll keep that in mind, be safe." Seonghwa then waved goodbye before he was out the door.

Jisung was then left alone in his bedroom once again. He couldn't help his mind to wander to anything but what if's.

Then another knock broke him away from his thoughts again.

"Jisung are you ready?" Chan was ready to hit the road until he noticed Jisung's nervous expression.

Jisung stayed silent for a moment with his head down.

"Is everything okay?" Chan walked up to the younger and laid his hand on his shoulder.

"I'm scared . . . once we get there where would we even look? What happens when we get there and we find out he's dead? I don't think I could handle finding out the truth." Jisung felt sick to his stomach even more, he clenched it as he covered his mouth.

Chan quickly held the younger just in case his knees went week. He soothingly rubbed his back, bringing him to the bed.

"We don't have to go, if Minho is out there he'll come back to you for sure." Chan tried his best to put him at ease.

"I know he would but I just want to know if he is, the more I think the more negative it gets. I'm desperate to know the truth but, I might not want to hear the truth." Jisung hated himself for being so weak. "Maybe we shouldn't go, might be for the best anyways." He heavily sighs wanting to cry again.

"The truth can hurt but if anytime you want to go back down there, I'll take you. For right now clear your mind and get some rest." Chan insisted he rests up.

"Thank you for understanding, I didn't mean to change plans so sudden. I just told Seonghwa we're leaving soon, I hope I didn't get his hopes up." Jisung did as Chan said and made himself comfortable in his bed.

"It's okay, he will understand. I'll be in the living room if you need anything." Chan got up from the bed and headed out the door.

"Are you two not going?" Felix asked Chan once he came and sat down with him on the couch.

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