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Two days later Minho was laying down on his bed watching a movie.

"What are you watching baby?"

Jisung teasingly called Minho that pet name as he jumped on the bed next to Minho who was watching a movie on his laptop.

"I'm watching that one anime movie you suggested to me, Howl's Moving Castle. It's actually pretty good." Minho didn't bother with the pet name as he quite liked it.

"Wait! I wanna watch too! That's my favorite!" Jisung excitedly scooted closer to Minho.

Minho adjusted himself to get comfortable and held the laptop where they both could see the movie. Jisung then rested his head on Minho's shoulder, both snuggling underneath the blankets.

They continued to watch the movie with Minho taking small glances at the younger, noticing how invested he was into the movie which a small smile played at his lips.

Minho rested his head on Jisung's and soothingly ran his fingers through Jisung's locks, both hearts fluttering.

Once the movie was over Minho shut his laptop and placed it on the nightstand before turning towards the younger with a smirk.

He leaned in with Jisung leaning back, cheeks flushing red.

"What are you doing?" Jisung feeling flustered with Minho practically on top of him.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Minho seductively whispered in Jisung's ear, making Jisung's heart race.

"Again? Tonight? I'm still sore from last night." Jisung whined while Minho gently pressed his lips along Jisung's neck.

"One more night wouldn't hurt right? I mean you were so eager the other night." Minho continued to plant sweet kisses on Jisung's neck.

Jisung rolled his eyes but his lips pulled into a smirk.

He decided to take over and flip Minho over so he was on top, sitting on Minho.

"You know I like taking control." Minho raised an eyebrow, his hands rested on Jisung's waist.

"I like to take some control too you know." Jisung slid his hands down Minho's chest then one hand made its way towards Minho's hair, watching it fall back into place, raking his hand through his locks.

He leaned in, feeling Minho raise his hips to him. Jisung planted his lips on Minho's neck, sucking slightly onto his soft skin.

Minho let out a quit moan, his grip tightening on Jisung's hips.

Jisung broke away by a smile, left a bruise that would soon leave a hickey.

He made his way up towards Minho's lips but before his lips could touch his he stopped.

"Since I'm taking control, I'm ending this." Jisung giggled as he leaned away watching Minho's lips form a frown.

"You can't just do that." Minho watched Jisung quickly get off of him and off the bed.

"Well I just did." Jisung crossed his arms.

"Your going to finish what you started baby." Minho's lips pulled into another smirk.

Jisung's eyes widen as he watched Minho get out of bed and came running towards him.

He quickly ran away from the older, now being chased all around the house, leaving Jisung completely out of breath.

"Aish! Why are you so horny hyung?!" They were both back in the bedroom, Jisung was on the opposite side of the bed, attempting to catch his breath.

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