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Jisung was sitting on the couch next to Chan who was busy on the phone with a now pissed off Minho. Jisung was hugging his knees, wondering when he'll ever go home.

Chan hung up the phone with Minho, turning to glance at the sad boy.

"Sorry today didn't go as planned. Don't worry, I'm sure Minho will figure out another way to get you out of here and I'll try my best to help." Chan soothingly rubbed the younger's back, feeling bad for the boy.

"It's okay, you guys tried at least... I hope it's soon, I miss my friends." All Jisung cared about was his caring friends, he could care less about his given career, greedy family, and his so called gold digging fiancé.

"You'll see them again, might not be tomorrow or the next day but you will. It's going to be a while..." Chan knew it wasn't easy.

Jisung nodded his head, feeling a little better. Chan then went to grab his laptop, doing some personal work.

Jisung was still a bit glum and was waiting for Minho to come back for him. While he was waiting he noticed Chan's screen, it was the same boy he saw the last time he noticed Chan's screen.

"Hey Chan." Chan hummed in response. "I know this is none of my business but who's that?" Jisung was curious and bored.

Chan sighed before a reply.

"He's someone special. You aren't the only one who's stuck here... he's been stuck here for months." Chan eyes softened while speaking about the boy.

"Wait, really? Where is he?" Jisung was surprised there was someone in a similar position as him.

"He's been held hostage, Like Minho is trying to get you out of here, I'm trying to get him out." Chan hoped that Minho wouldn't develop feelings for Jisung because if he did he would be in a similar situation.

"It isn't easy getting away with anything here, that's why it's taken so long. He's already been through enough... that's why I hope Minho succeeds in getting you out of here as soon as possible." The older wished he could do more without getting caught.

"I hope you figure out a way soon, you seem to care about him deeply. What's his name?" Jisung could feel the pain through Chan's eyes.

"Felix... let's hope you two don't end up meeting while you're stuck here." Chan knew if Jisung was caught he would be taken where Felix was.

"He won't, and I'll make sure of that."

The two heard Minho's voice come through the front door, turning their heads towards him.

"Minho." Jisung greeted the boy with an excited smile.

Even if Minho couldn't get him out today he was still excited to see the older. He couldn't be angry with him when it's not his fault.

"I'm sorry I didn't get you home as planned, I swear why does he always ruin everything!" Minho sat between the two, raking his hands through his hair.

"It's okay, you tried and I know you'll eventually get me out." Jisung could tell Minho was stressed.

"I will like promised. Just hang in there a bit longer." Minho laid his head back while looking at the younger with tired eyes.

Jisung nodded.

Chan awkwardly watched the two just sit in silence, staring at one another. He was about to speak but someone bursted through the door, which brought everyone's attention.

"Chan—." The boy who bursted through door which was Changbin pauses as he notices Jisung. "I thought you were getting him out of here?"

"Change of plans, the boss almost caught him. Now it's going to be more difficult since the boss is doubling security." Minho explained.

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