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Jiho had walked in, catching the two males in the act of skin-ship and intimacy. "It's not what it looks like." Jisung panicked.

"Yes it is." Minho shrugged, looking between the two then straight at a very are you serious Jisung.

"Wait,—" Minho looked at the girl standing before them, gave a very hard observing look then gasped. "Are they you Jiho?" He questioned.

She nodded, crossing her arms with a glare added. Minho sighed, "I'm kidding, it's most definitely not what it looks like."

Jisung just stared at him like he was an idiot. His cute idiot.

"Whatever, now why the hell were you guys kissing?" She glared.

"Jiho, we weren't kissing, he just had something in his eye and I was h—" Jiho laughed unhumourously, "are you seriously using the most basic and common excuse for this?"

Jisung looked back at Minho which gave him a 'sorry' look.

"So your cheating on me?" She looked at Minho, "with a guy?" She stared him up and down. "At least he's hot." She glared.

"Look Jiho, I—" she stopped him.

"No, I won't hear you out. Not now, I just don't understand why you would do this" she spoke, "why you would ruin a perfect relationship."

"That's the thing, it was never perfect to me." Jisung pointed out honestly.

Her facial dropped rather fast, shocked from the calm honestly coming for Jisung.

Then a thought crossed her mind, "Jisung." He stared straight at her, his stomach spinning in circle from how nervous he was.

"Have you been gay the entire time we were together?" She asked, an eyebrow raising. "Was this whole relationship a hoax?"

Jisung gulped, honestly scared to tell her the truth and what there relationship was really about.

Minho saw him struggling, "Jiho, he was being honest. It wasn't exactly what you were thinking."

They both stared back at him, "I'm obviously not straight, and I've known Jisung for awhile now and I somehow formed a crush on him and when he rejected me just now, I forced him into kissing me."

Jisung quirked an eyebrow.

Jiho stared between the two, "is this true Jisung?" She had her hands on her hips.

Jisung looked back at her, wanting nothing more than to come clean but his relationship with he dad was hard enough and if he messed up this relationship right now, things could get messy.

"Y-Yeah. it is."

Jiho stared at him, observing the obvious nervous boy infront of her.

She nodded, "fine. But—" she looked at minho. "You, get out. I don't like people touching what's mine."

Minho wanted to shout back that in reality, Jisung was really his. But he knew they were a secret to the public, and Jiho s eyes. He really did kiss what was hers. She had a right to be mad, but it still made Minho really mad.

"I'll go." Then Minho left.

Jisung watched as he left, regretting everything that was said. He honestly felt bad for the position Minho was in.

He wanted to chase after him and tell him thank you and sorry at the same time.

But he couldn't.

He was then left with Jiho, he couldn't wait to have this so called relationship end.

"Well, I came to see if you wanted to get lunch." Jiho sighed, picking up her bag which had fallen when she saw her boyfriend kissing someone else.

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