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"I would like to make an offer, officer."

Jisung's older sister, Soojin, was at the police station with a devilish smirk.

"What is it this time Soojin?" The chief officer looked up at the well dressed woman in front of him.

"I want you to drop my brother's case, say he's dead or something." She leaned in, sliding a briefcase filled with thousands of dollars.

"I don't know... what are we going to do if your brother shows up out of no where one day? The public already hates us." He opens the briefcase, counting each stack.

"Listen, if you close the case now, tell the press he's dead, I'll give you what you really want." She pulls him by his tie, another devilish smirk playing at her lips.

"I'll see you at my house tonight then." The man's eyes wandered disgustingly.

"Good. Don't bring anything up to my husband, or I'll make sure you'll lose everything." She coldly spoke before walking out the door.


"Hyunjin turn on the tv! Put on the news!" Seungmin bursted through the doors with Jeongin behind him.

Hyunjin scrunched his eyebrows, confused yet concerned while turning on the tv.

"Han Jisung was found dead in Daegu. After 2 weeks of him going missing, officers found his dead body floating in a river."

"What?! No! He can't be dead!" Hyunjin couldn't believe what he was hearing. "None of this makes any sense!"

"Now I feel bad for ever making fun of him... I don't want Sungie to go..." Jeongin eyes began to water.

"I don't think he's dead Innie." Seungmin comforted the younger. "We should head down to the police station and see what is going on." He suggested, wanting proof.

"Good idea, I refuse to believe any of this." Hyunjin didn't want to lose another important person in his life, not again.

The three ran out of their office and down to the lobby of the building.

They were all shocked by all of the commotion happening.

Police officers speaking to Jisung's family and fiancé and the crowd of reporters roaring outside the building.

The three walked up to Jisung's family, noticing Jisung's father furious and his sister balling her eyes out while being comforted by her husband.

"I refuse to believe that Jisung is dead, where's your damn proof?" Hyunjin went up to the officer furious.

The officer sighs before pulling out his tablet.

"The suspect who was chasing Jisung down that alley murdered him where their was no surveillance cameras. He dragged him out through another exist." The officer showed another clip of a man carrying a dead body over his shoulder.

"Then we followed him through the street cams  and he dumped the body in the river. I'm sorry for your friend."

Hyunjin's heart broke, he couldn't believe he lost not just his boss but his best friend. Tears swelled his eyes and his vision foggy.

He then overheard Seungmin.

"I want to see the body." He sternly spoke, he didn't believe any of the proof.

"Whatever kid, you won't be able to tell it's him, his face was badly bruised and beaten. It was even difficult for us to tell it was him but our team figured it out." The officer didn't like Seungmin questioning them.

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