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Jisung didn't understand why he had the urge to look up from his phone and did as that, his gaze meets a man standing on the other side of the crosswalk with an umbrella. As the cars continue to pass between each space he gets a chance to get a glimpse of his face.

Tears now uncontrollably streaming down his cheeks.

Jisung didn't know if any of this was real, none of it felt real. His heart was racing as he made eye contact with the man across the street.

Once all the cars passed by, Jisung dropped his umbrella, now getting soaked by the rain. The rain washing away his tears.

"M—Minho . . ."

His legs then moved without him thinking, running to the man he grieved for months. Everyone thinking he's dead but stood fully alive before Jisung's eyes.

All Jisung wanted was his loving boyfriend in his arms. He didn't hesitate to do exactly that and ran across the street, jumping onto him causing him to drop Minho's umbrella too and wrapping his legs around his waist as he buried his face into the older's neck.

"You fucking idiot! You have so much explaining to do! I missed you so much Minho . . . I—I thought you were really gone for a moment." Jisung just sobbed into the older's embrace, pulling him closer if that was even possible.

"Baby, what do you mean by gone? Did you think I was dead?" Minho held onto the younger, soothingly rubbing his back.

"Yes! Everyone did! Well I kept some hope, but I was losing that hope. Minho we w—watched you b—burn to death." Jisung kept choking up on his words.

"Hey, let's go somewhere inside and I'll tell you everything. I'm so sorry you had to witness that. I never wanted you to know." Minho continued to carry Jisung, finding a small cafe they could take shelter in and talk.

He sat Jisung down at a table in the far back corner, getting both of them some coffee.

He sat beside the younger and wrapped his arm around him. Jisung's head resting on Minho's shoulder, waiting for him to explain everything.

"My first question is why did you come see the sight of the car crash? None of you were supposed to know or see it." Minho with pained eyes grabs Jisung's hand and intertwines it with his, feeling those butterflies like before.

"Seonghwa got a call that day and he told everyone in the car you were in some car crash. How could I not run after you to make sure you were okay?! I was worried." Jisung was filled with many different emotions at the moment but the main one was relief.

"I should've thought it more through. Knowing you, you would do that. Well, obviously that wasn't me in the car. It was an assassin who was after me and I purposely left my belongings in the car so the cops in the area would file me dead. Just in case my uncle had anyone else after me." He felt bad for the younger as he didn't intentionally want to hurt Jisung.

"A heads up would've been nice." Jisung pouted.

"I know, and I'm very sorry for that. It was more of a last decision anyways. But I'm alive, here for you now." Minho gave a small warm smile, gazing upon his beautiful squirrel he missed so much.

"You don't know how happy I am that you're not really dead and you came back to me like promised." Jisung hugged the older with a bright heart shaped smile, a smile no one has seen in months.

"What was that you had to do these three months?" Jisung pulled away, feeling curious.

"My uncle's followers blamed me for his death so I was on the run from them, and searching all of Korea for my little sister at the same time. I ended up putting all of them in jail before I started my search for Yeojin. I gathered all the information I needed and turns out she goes to school here in Seoul. I just need to figure out what high school exactly." Minho surprisingly found a lot of information about his sister except for what school.

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