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~ a week later ~

"What is the meaning of all this?"

Jisung's father walks into his building with cops filling the main floor.

"Your idiot son's friends called the police." Jisung's sister, Soojin hissed.

"Seungmin what's the fuss about?" His father walked up to his junior assistant.

"The three of us agreed to call the police for Jisung's random disappearance." Seungmin bowed to his elder boss, hoping not to get yelled at.

"This isn't the first time for Jisung to disappear." Soojin rolled her eyes.

"Maybe for you guys but Jisung always contacts us no matter what! Unlike you, we actually care about him." Hyunjin snapped at the older woman who's blood was now boiling.

"I can easily get you fired from your job you little-." Before Soojin can finish they were interrupted.

"Excuse me are you Han Jisung's father?" One of the police officers interrupted.


"Well we actually went to some street footage that was caught on the night of his disappearance." The officer brings out a tablet.

"There is no need he goes months without contacting us-." Soojin was once interrupted again.

"Yes but Jisung knows how responsible of a job he decided to take in so he should've been here last week." His father wasn't to happy on Jisung's random hiatus.

"Just show us the footage!" Hyunjin ran up to the officer.

"Jisung was last scene at a five star restaurant but through the footage we got from the street cams, he helped a women get her bag back from a robber." He showed the footage to his family and friends.

"The last scene we have of him his him running into an alley way with the stranger chasing him, the only one that came out of the alley was the criminal. We are going to find who this man is and take him into interrogation."

Jisung's three friends were shocked from the footage and hoped he was alive.

"Jisungie is still alive, right?" Jeongin looked to his boyfriend and Hyunjin with glossy eyes.

"We can only hope." Seungmin then pulled the younger into his embrace to comfort the both of them.

"I knew one of us should've gone with him... I always go with him on his business trips... damn it!" Hyunjin began raking his long hair stressfully.

"Jisung please still be alive..." Hyunjin held in his tears, he didn't want to lose the closes friend he had.

"Great, I swear if my son is dead I'm going to murder him in the after life." His father walked away, straight to his office.

Soojin rolled her eyes towards her brother's friends before calling her husband.

"You won't believe what just happened. I'm going to get my rightful place back." An evil smirk played on Soojin's lips.


"Fight me you ass!" Jisung shouted towards his phone, an online player beginning to push his buttons.

He continued on with shouting at his phone, trying to show who's boss by beating the boys ass on the other side of the screen.

Jisung was to preoccupied with playing, he hadn't noticed Minho walk into the house.

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