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"Changbin, what is it?"

Minho and Jisung were cuddled up on the couch, ready to do some pretty unholy things until Changbin came barging in worried. Minho was annoyed at first for the other interrupting but his mood quickly changed once he noticed Changbin's expression.

"It's Chan, he's locked up. Our boss locked him up." Changbin couldn't help but worry for the older.

"What?! Why?!" Minho shot up from the couch furiously.

"I-I don't know, when I went to go see him they wouldn't let me in. He's locked up in the same room as Felix."

"Jisung, I'll be right back. Remember to stay quiet as usual." Minho turned to the younger, ruffling his hair before heading to the front door along with Changbin.

Jisung nodded, watching the two boys leave the house.

The two made it to the boss's office with Minho furiously barging in with Changbin right behind.

He slammed the door and then marched to his desk. His uncle's attention was brought to his nephew, he raised an eyebrow to Minho's behavior.

"Why the hell is Chan locked up?!" Minho demanded answers.

"Why should you care what happens to him? None of this involves you, so will you please lea-."

"No! I care because he's my friend and locking him up bothers me." Minho couldn't stand his ignorant uncle.

"He's locked up because he betrayed me. I treated him like he was my own and he wanted to go behind my back and go against me. Along with being in love with the enemy." The boss leaned back in his chair as he fiddled around with a dagger which didn't go unnoticed by the two boys.

Changbin watched in horror as his boss swiftly played with the dagger in his hand, remembering the punishments he went through.

"Let him go and give him another chance. And please if you really treated him as a son he wouldn't be going through this crap you put him in." Minho leaned in on the desk, a cold stare piercing through his uncle's eyes.

"I don't give second chances. And watch your mouth boy." His uncle leaned in, sticking the dagger into the desk.

"Then why the hell am I still here?" Minho refused to break eye contact, he wasn't going to stop since Chan always did so much for him and Changbin.

"Because you have a debt to pay damn it! You should go if you know what's good for you." He stood up from his chair, slamming his hands furiously on the desk.

"Not until you let Chan go! If you let him go, I won't get the police on your ass again." Minho wasn't going to leave until his friend was let out.

"Are you threatening me now?" He let out a chuckle then pulled his dagger out of the desk. "You really want to threaten me? Didn't you learn the first time?" He points his dagger to Minho's stomach, implying the scare his uncle gave him.

"I guess your silence says it all. But I know what makes you break." His uncle swiftly moves towards Changbin and holds the dagger against his neck while he can't move in his hold.

"Which is it? Changbin? Or Chan?" An evil smirk grew on his lips.

Minho was furious even more that he couldn't do anything but watch the fear in Changbin's eyes.

"Let Changbin go and we'll leave!" He hates himself for not being able to help Chan but he couldn't watch his other friend die in front of his own eyes.

"Wise choice." His uncle pushed Changbin away with him holding onto his neck for dear life. "Now don't you ever think about threatening me again."

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