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He slowly walks out of the bedroom, realizing just how many are in the house.

Now he is regretting everything once the mafia boss locked eyes with him.

"There he is!" The mafia boss's chuckle echoed through the quiet room. "Now put the gun down." His mood instantly turned stone cold.

"Not until you let go of Changbin." Jisung was terrified, his voice and his hands were beginning to shake.

"You do realize how much these three boys are in trouble? They kept you a secret for months probably, it would've been less trouble if they let me have you since the beginning but that's not the case. So I suggest you calmly come with me before things get messy." The boss put one foot on Changbin's head.

"Idiot you should've ran when you had the chance." Changbin wasn't sure why Jisung stayed.

"Quiet!" The boss put more pressure into his foot, leaving Changbin trying to keep in his screams from the pain.

"Okay I'll come only on one condition!" Jisung nervously gulped with the gun still raised and pointed.

"And what's that going to be?" The boss heavily sighed, already tired of all this nonsense.

"You won't punish Changbin, Chan, nor Minho for hiding me. A-And you let them go, out of the mafia." Jisung wasn't sure if he would really go through with it and he didn't know what plan b would be.

"What if I don't? What are you going to do about it?" He slowly walked towards Jisung, the younger scared boy who tightened his grip on the gun. "You can't run boy. Are you going to shoot me with that gun? I'll like to see you try. Go ahead shoot, if you do my other men will shoot your pathetic body up. I'm doing you a favor of letting you come with me peacefully." He leaned down to Jisung's level and placed his forehead on the gun like a mad man.

Jisung hesitantly lowered the gun watching the boss's lips form into a devilish smirk.

Jisung raised his fist and punched him right in the nose, his blood boiling just seeing that awful man's smirk.

"Brat!" He harshly pushed Jisung into one of his men.

One of the men grabbed a hold of Jisung who was now squirming around.

"Bring him to his cell." The boss commanded while covering his nose. "Leave Changbin here, now we have Jisung he isn't worth our time and attention." He purposely kicked Changbin on his way out, with his other men following behind.

As much physically pain Changbin was in he got up from the floor and tackled the man who was carrying Jisung to the floor.

"Jisung hurry!" Changbin put the man in a choke hold with his legs, giving the command for Jisung to run away.

Changbin fired the gun twice into the air, everyone gasping and taking cover, giving Jisung time to run.

Jisung nodded and got his balance as he stood up, running as fast as he could. He headed towards the window and jumped out it with the other men chasing after him.

"Ugh! Get him and I'll make sure to pay extra! And don't shoot that boy!" The boss furiously commanded with his men now persuaded.

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