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It's been a few days since Minho and Jisung had there night and sadly that was the last night they were able to spend any time together considering Minho's uncle has been all over him, making him do stupid shit.

Luckily, Minho's uncle had decided to go out and take care of business today on his own, which meant he was free for the day.

And he wanted nothing more than to spend his free day with his squirrel.

Minho was currently standing infront of the mirror, smiling to himself about how he's found someone he actually truly likes.

He was smiling from ear to ear and couldn't wait to just cuddle the boy, since he hasn't been able to do that for the passed few days. Either Jisung was asleep when Minho got home or asleep when he left. Either way, they didn't get to talk.

Minho walked out of the bathroom, making way to the kitchen where Jisung was currently eating his cereal. Each bite he took made his cheek puff out and god did the sight make Minho want to squish and kiss them.

"Since I don't have to do anything today—" he spun Jisung around in the spinning barstool. He held Jisung in place, hand on each side of him while Jisung just stared at his beautiful boyfriend.

"—we could have some fun?" Jisung's mind immediately wandered, thinking of only dirty things but Minho on the other hand was thinking of something else completely entirely different.

Jisung slated his eyes, seductively looking at the boy infront of him. He wrapped his arms around Minho and then his legs. Minho knew exactly what Jisung was getting at but Minho had other plans.

Minho picked the boy up, holding him up until they reached the bedroom. Minho flopped them onto the bed, Jisung below with Minho on top.

Jisung just smiled, thinking he was about to get some action from a very sexy ass man.

Minho leaned lowered, brushing his lips on Jisung's. "Not today, baby" Jisung shivered from the nickname but quickly realized what Minho said.

Minho leaned back with a sweet warm smile, adoring the boy infront of him. "You're honestly so freaking cute." Minho quickly began to tickle Jisung, finding every spot that made Jisung squeal in laughter.

Jisung wiggled around, laughing his butt off, trying his hardest at prying Minho's sneaky and fast hands away from his body.

"P-Pleas—" Jisung tried, "Stop!" He laughed harder.

After a few moments, Minho let go, while Jisung held his hands on Minho's wrist for reassurance that he was done tickling. His breathing was still rapid but it was slowly slowing down.

"How about a game?" Minho asked. Jisung hummed, thinking of an answer.

About 10 minutes later, they found themselves playing gold fish criss crossed on the bed.

"Do you have any three's?" Minho asked.

Jisung shook his head, "Nope, now pick up my seven." Minho rolled his eyes, "it's unlikely the next card is a seven." Minho picked up a card, his eyes widening.

He looked up at Jisung, them chuckled. He tossed the card at Jisung, only for it to fly behind him and onto the floor.

Jisung looked over the bed, seeing the card facing up. "Ha, I told you it was a seven." Jisung leaned low, trying to reach the card but to his luck, he couldn't reach and ended up falling off the bed. All you heard was a thump, then Minho's laughter filling up the room.

Minho leaned forward on his knees, balancing himself with his hands, "that's what you get for being so cheeky." He laughed.

Jisung picked himself up, reaching quickly and grabbing onto Minho's arm and pulling him down onto the ground with him.

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