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~ 3 months later ~

For the past few months much has happened. Felix and Chan becoming official about 2 months previous; Changbin and Hyunjin growing even closer but not together as they wanted to take their time after years of not seeing each other, and the two youngest; Jeongin and Seungmin's relationship still as usual.

As for Jisung he decided to take these past 3 months to focus on his career. He raised his father's company's stocks higher than ever and his own company growing by day. Jisung has also been losing hope for Minho to still be alive, but that small part of him refused to believe it. He was going to keep having some little hope for as long as he could.

He's been working himself to death, finding it as an escape from his emotions towards Minho's death.

"Hyunjin! Sto~p! Hehe!" Felix was being tickled by the taller to cheer him up.

Felix has been pretty down for the past few days since Chan was gone out of town for the past few days, he felt odd without having his boyfriend practically glued to him.

Hyunjin and Felix had became closer, more than just strangers, friends. As so did everyone who didn't know each other well when Jisung's friends from home met the others.

"Ha! You're smiling now!" Hyunjin chuckled as he pulled away from the smaller. "Oh shit! My noddles!" Then remembering he was cooking food.

"How the hell did you forget about your food already?" Changbin had walked into the living room, over hearing the conversation.

Chan, Felix and Changbin continued to stay with Jisung at his penthouse, as it felt like home after years of not having a real home.

Jisung was absolutely okay with this, sometimes even insisted they stay for a year or two.

"Was trying to get Felix to smile, he's been so down since Chan left til this weekend." Hyunjin hated to see who now became one of his closest friends not himself.

He was already worried about Jisung since he's been nothing but working his ass off to only distract him.

"You're always so sweet." Changbin clung onto Hyunjin's waist, reaching to plant a kiss on his cheek which caused him to giggle.

Then everyone's focus came to the front door, a burnt out Jisung walks through the door, having no business on interacting with anyone.

He came back from a long hefty day at work and was absolutely tired.

He threw his bags and his coat on the couch before heading to pour himself a drink of fine wine.

The three who where just watching him, usually after every long day of work they would accompany him but most of the time he didn't want to be bothered and this time was it.

Once Jisung had the wine in hand he locked himself in his room. He slumped into his bed, drinking the wine in peace until he noticed a jacket resting on his chair. A jacket that looked similar to Minho's jacket, then it him. He had forgotten about that jacket Minho gave him.

He was so heartbroken for that whole month he got back he wouldn't let that jacket out of his sight but once he was beginning to work again and pushing his feelings away from the loss he had forgotten the jacket that left heartfelt painful memories for him.

He downed his wine and began digging through his closet. Throwing each peice of clothing on the floor.

Every piece of clothing he had in his closet was now scattered on the floor, still no jacket.

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