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~ 2 weeks later ~

"D-damn." A quiet yet audible moan came from the younger.

"You can be a little louder, but not to loud cause someone might hear you." Minho's lips pulled into a smirk, whispering in Jisung's ear.

"I'm try~ing not to be~ loud." Jisung tried his best to keep in any loud moans while Minho continued to slowly grind, both addicted to the feel.

Minho chuckled before attaching his lips back onto the younger's thin soft lips.

Jisung pulled the older in by the neck, deepening the kiss they shared. The kiss was filled with nothing but want and lust filling the atmosphere.

Minho made his way down Jisung's bare chest, leaving marks that would soon bruise into hickeys down his neck and chest.

Once Minho made it down to the younger's hem of his pants he looked up for reassurance from Jisung who quickly nodded.

Minho's lips pulled into another smirk making his way back up to the younger's lips and reattaching.

They continued to kiss but both separating each time Minho slowly unbuttoning both of their pants and sliding both off. The two in only boxers.

He then slid both of their boxers off, Minho's eyes went straight to Jisung's wet member.

Minho raised an eyebrow.

"Damn, already?" Minho teasingly leaned and reattached their lips once more causing Jisung to blush.

"Let's have some fun." Minho's voice was low as he pulled away from the younger.

Jisung felt butterflies once he watched Minho slowly crawl on top of him and with no warning Minho inserted his large hard member into his tight hole which led to them both moaning.

Jisung arched his back, letting out a loud moan of the older's name.

Minho liked what he heard and began to pump into the younger, enjoying the lustful moment.

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