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It was now the next day and Jisung was bored out of his mind.

Minho was out doing his job while Jisung was still locked in the house. Minho had told the younger to keep the tv off as well, for precautions.

Jisung of course didn't like that but he had to sacrifice his entertainment than having the slightest chance of being caught, but he found away around it.

He decided if he couldn't have his Netflix than he would try to go on his phone. Since Minho hid his phone somewhere he went out to find it.

It didn't take long for him to find his phone on top of Minho's dresser.

He then plugged his phone on the charger and all his notifications coming through, realizing how much his friends tried to get a hold of him.

Jisung desperately wanted to tell his friends the situation but Minho was right, he could possibly put them in danger.

He chose to ignore all the notifications and tried to distract himself by playing some games on his phone.

Moments later Jisung flinched, hiding his phone as he heard Minho coming back home.

He looked behind from the couch, noticing how furious Minho was. He wasn't going to lie to himself but seeing Minho angry kinda scared him.

"Y-You're back.. is everything ok-?"

"I'm not in the mood squirrel." Minho furiously went to the kitchen then slamming the fridge after grabbing himself a bottle of beer.

"Do you know when you're possibly getting me out of here?" Jisung asked, now regretting.

"I don't know. Now shut your mouth, you're giving me a bigger headache." Minho chugged down the cold beverage.

"Listen, I've already been stuck here for three days now. I need-."

"I said shut up!" Minho's cold glare met with Jisung's eyes as he slammed the bottle onto the counter, causing him to jump. "I'm trying to find a way to get you out but work isn't helping!" Minho then rubbed his temples in frustration.

Jisung stayed silent, not wanting to make the older more angry until a ding went off from Jisung's phone and his eyes widen in fear.

Minho picked up his head, glaring at the younger.

"I don't want to deal with that right now. Don't be stupid with your phone." Minho sighed, walking straight to his bedroom and slamming his door behind him.

Jisung was now relieved, glad he didn't have to witness anymore of Minho's coldness.

A few hours pass by and Jisung's stomach begins to growl from not eating for two days.

Jisung didn't know if he was allowed to help himself in the kitchen and he hasn't been able to ask Minho since he was always busy with work.

He went up to Minho's bedroom door knocking lightly, nervous if Minho was awake or busy or still furious.

Minho opened his bedroom door revealing a jumpy Jisung.

"What do you want?" Minho's voice was still cold.

"I-I haven't ate for two days, I'm kinda hungry." Jisung was pretty nervous.

"Okay? Not my problem, help yourself to whatever. Just don't eat all the food." Minho was about to shut his bedroom door until Jisung stopped him.

"Wait! I never learned how to cook... I usually have my personal chef cook everything for me." Jisung was embarrassed for being the age he was and never learned how to cook anything.

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