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"Alright lets get this over with." The mafia boss walked into an empty room where the unidentified woman was locked up in.

The girl was tied up on the floor, squirming.

"I'll take care of her." He gestured for the other two men who were also in the room to take their leave.

They did what their boss said and left, leaving the boss and the unidentified woman alone.

He pulled his dagger out of his coat, twirling it in his hand. He made his way closer to the girl and cut the ropes that were tied around her wrists and ankles.

"Now what did my lovely queen find out about my nephew?" The boss's lips pulled into a flirtatious smirk, grabbing her by the chin.

"First-." She pulls her mask down and leanes in, planting her lips on the boss's, both taken the moment to have their lips upon one another's.

"This is the last and only time I do something like this for you, I have such a headache now." She cuffs her head.

"That's okay, can't let my women get hurt again."

"Better not, but anyways, your nephew. He's hiding a boy. The boy you were looking into before the news came out, Han Jisung isn't dead." She watched the boss's eyes widen from the unexpected news, anger fueling up inside.

"Your telling me Minho is hiding that boy? My damn nephew really pushing his luck lately. Why the hell is hiding such an expensive boy from me?" He demanded answers.

"Don't know the whole reason but I do know they may be together. Could be a reason on why he's hiding him." She remembered the moments she witnessed while stocking Minho, feeling absolute disgust.

"This fucking boy is really getting on my damn nerves. Put these on then head straight to my office when done. I'll be dealing with something." He tossed her a bag of new clothes before walking right out the room.


"Changbin~! Do you know how the surgery went?" Jisung was begging for answers, worried sick for the older.

"Jisung it's been hours since the surgery and he wasn't even put under since it's not that serious of a wound. Let him rest." Changbin has been trying to calm the worried boy for hours.

"It's still serious!" Jisung pouted, crossing his arms.

"Jisung? What is your guy's relationship with each other?" Changbin looked Jisung's way, getting the feeling the two were more than just friends.

He watched Jisung relax his body from the tension, calming down and his cheeks flushed red.

"We're together... together." Jisung grew a small shy smile.

Changbin heavily sighed. "Please be careful, with the both of you together especially your status can get you both into deep trouble." He was worried for them, knowing well how the mafia would act.

"We've already discussed that... once I leave we aren't going to be together anymore, but just until he gives the rest of the money he owes." Jisung slumped into the couch until an idea popped in his head.

Before Jisung could say anything Changbin got a phone call, leaving Jisung on his toes.

"It's Minho." Changbin told Jisung before speaking to the said boy.

Jisung tried to listen to their conversation but couldn't hear Minho's side. Changbin turned to Jisung who he can tell was desperate to speak to the older.

Changbin handed him the phone and with no hesitation he gladly takes the phone.

"Minho! Are you doing alright?"

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