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"Why don't you call off the wedding? It's obvious you don't like her." Seungmin still didn't understand why Jisung continued to be apart of the arrange marriage.

The four were heading back to Jisung's apartment and he had told them about his dad calling the wedding back on.

"I will only if-."

Jisung opens the door to his apartment and the freckled boy jumped off of Chan's lap and ran straight to Jisung, greeting him with a hug.

"Welcome back!" Felix smiles his usual bright smile but once they both pull away he shyly hides behind Jisung as he notices his friends.

"It's been a couple of days since you guys met, they don't bite . . . well don't get on Hyunjin's bad side. Trust me there good people." Jisung gave Felix a reassuring smile, he knew it was going to be difficult for Felix to get used to people and society again.

Felix nodded his head and looked to the other three who waved to him.

Jisung then left the four to get to know each other a bit better and went straight to the couch.

He plopped next to Chan, heavily sighing as he stressfully raked his hair.

"What the matter? Was it a hard day back?" Chan noticed how stressed the younger appeared.

"Sorta . . . My dad was glad to see me back, so he decided to call the arrange marriage back on."

"Wait, you've had a fiancé?" Jisung nodded. "I'm guessing you don't want this. You should call it off, especially if you don't love this person." Chan could tell by how everything went down with Jisung falling in love with another, this didn't seem right.

"That's what we've been trying to tell him, he needs to stand up to his dad and just tell him no." Seungmin came to the couch after speaking with Felix.

"I'm going to cancel it once I prove Minho isn't dead." Jisung then heard the room go silent.

"But we saw him . . . you know." Felix came up to the three on the couch with Hyunjin and Jeongin following.

"What if that wasn't Minho, we never really saw his face right? I didn't at least." Jisung has been thinking for the past few days, just what if.

"Jisung the accident was on the news and it was proven that was Minho's car and his belongings were in there almost burnt." Changbin joined the conversation after overhearing Jisung.

"Yeah but Jisung has a point. This doesn't sit right with me either. Knowing Minho for years he wouldn't lose so easily." Chan was on the same page with Jisung, he refused to believe Minho was dead.

"Well believe it, you'll only get your hopes up and they'll be crushed after finding out this is reality." Changbin wasn't about to get his hopes up as losing a friend hurt him inside.

"There needs to be some hope, he can't just leave us like that. While we were escaping that day I over heard him talking with that woman that was really here for Felix. There was some assassin out for him. Maybe—."

Jisung was quickly cut off once Changbin grabbed him by the collar and pulled him off the couch.

"He's dead! Don't get people's hopes up." Changbin sternly spoke cold to the younger who now had tears swelling his eyes.

"Changbin get off of him!" Hyunjin pulled the older off of Jisung, disappointed in the older but he knew he was hurting too.

"You need to calm down bin." Chan stood up from the couch, waiting for Changbin to go out of control.

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