ℂ𝕙.𝟝𝟙: 𝔽 𝕚 𝕟 𝕒 𝕝

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A few hours on the train the couple had finally arrived in Busan.

It was very late in the night that Minho had fallen asleep on the train. Jisung didn't mind it at all letting his boyfriend sleep the whole way through.

Once the train stopped Jisung didn't want to wake the older's slumber but did otherwise. Of course Minho woke up, immediately planting his lips upon Jisung's. A smile breaking the short kiss.

Jisung was confused on that sudden kiss but didn't question it since it was just Minho being his usual .

They both grabbed their things then leaving the station, taking a cab straight to Jisung's mother's house.

The cab arrived and even how late it was Jisung's mother still answered the door to great her son and his boyfriend.

Once his mother opened the door after hearing the few knocks, she's covered her mouth with both of her hands as she looked her son up and down. In shock on how long it's been and how much Jisung has grown.

There was complete silence between the two until his mother pulled Jisung into a motherly embracing hug, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"It's so hard to watch your son grow up from the side lines, your father is nothing but a piece of shit for taking my poor baby away from me. I can't believe you've grown up to be an intelligent handsome young man." His mom rocked side to side while petting Jisung's hair

Jisung didn't realize how much he missed his mother's sweet, loving, motherly embrace. He tighten the hug, finally getting the parental attention he missed so much.

"Since I'm an adult now and no longer busy with the business, I'll be more than happy to come visit you." Jisung pulled slightly away, beaming a bright smile with teary eyes.

"I would love that. Now, let's get both of you inside. Introduce me to your boyfriend and tell me everything why I read you were found dead for months in the newspaper!" His mother happy smile faded, wanting answers.

"I'll tell you everything but how'd you know he was my boyfriend? I never told you yet." Jisung was shocked.

"Jisung, I'm your mother. I can tell. It was also in the newspaper, a rumor you two were dating." His mother lightly chuckled.

Then bringing them both inside, asking if they wanted anything to make themselves feel more comfortable.

Once they got situated Jisung introduced Minho to his mother. The two to his surprise getting along quite well. And he told her an absolute lie about where he really was all those months but telling the truth that his older sister was the reason why he was announced dead.

"Oh, this is why I should've gotten custody of you kids. Your sister wouldn't have turned out to be such a spoiled brat if she was under my care. But I'm so glad you knew better to not be like your father. I'm so proud of you." Jisung's mom pulled him into another motherly hug.

"I know at least one of my kids care about me." She sweetly kissed Jisung's forehead.

"Of course I would, your my mother. I know what dad has done to you and you didn't deserve any of this hatred. My sister isn't even human at this point." Jisung pulled away from the hug.

"She just needs to the right guidance. Anyways, I should let you two get some rest. I'm sure it's been a long day for you two. If guys get hungry or anything just help yourself. And Minho don't be to shy here, you're family now." Jisung's mother smiles, ruffling both of their hair.

Minho nodded, feeling that warm motherly love he had also missed so much.

"Thanks for accepting Minho and I together." Jisung couldn't be happier.

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