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Clothes were scattered along the floor with the lights dim, two bodies enjoying each other's company.

"Jaebum. I don't mean to disturb but-."

A knock was heard on the office door.

"Don't come in!" The man known as Jaebom instantly interrupted his assistant.

"OoOoO~! You doing the dirty in their again?" Jaebom couldn't see it but he knew his assistant was smirking.

"Damn it Jackson! Just leave!" He covered his significant other with his trench coat just in case Jackson walked in.

"I will but you have two visitors who desperately need to see you." Jackson made sure to not to look anywhere near the clothes Youngjae, knowing his own friend will beat him if he did.

"Aish! Whatever just tell them to I'll be out in a minute." Jaebum was now irritated from the unexpected interruption.

"Yes sir!" Jackson gladly left on his way to tell the two waiting boys.

"We'll finish this later." Jaebum planted a quick kiss on Youngjae's lips before getting back into his work clothes.

Once the the two were fully dressed and fixed their hair they headed out of his office and to the front of the building.

Jaebum noticed two familiar standing next to Jackson.

"Changbin? Seonghwa? What are you two doing here?" Jaebum quickly ran to the two boys.

"Minho sent me to give you this." Changbin handed him the flash drive. "It's everything about our mafia since you couldn't get a hold of any of the information since you guys left." Changbin wasn't expecting to ever see their faces again.

"I can finally take that fucking hoe down now. I'm going to prove to him that letting us go was a mistake, especially all the pain he caused us." A devilish smirk grew on Jaebum's lips.

"We also need your help." Changbin nervously added as to he didn't know if some old friends would be willing to help them after years.

"Of course, anything for my favorite kids." Jackson ruffled Changbin's hair, who quickly fixed.

"Since we gave you all the information and now have plans to take the boss down, can we borrow a car possibly?" Changbin hesitantly asked, wished he had a car.

"I guess you take one our cars. Here, no ones uses the corvette. Jackson got get him the keys to the white Jeep." Jaebum commanded his assistant.

"That's Yugyeom's car though." Jackson didn't feel like dealing with younger.

"He never drives it just give it to them, I'll get him a new one if he really cares." Jaebum insisted.

"Okay~ it's your death wish then." Jackson was off to get the keys.

"Youngjae, go tell the others that we're leaving in 30." Youngjae nodded in response and was did as told.

"What's with Minho sudden kindness? This isn't a trap right? We trust you guys more than anyone." Jaebum turned to the two boys, curious on why this seemed to easy.

"Well he's finally tired of the boss and could be just lovesick and imprisoning our friends." Changbin couldn't believe it took one random boy to finally give them the chance to leave.

"We all just want to leave. And with you guys heading to the base gives us a chance to leave for good with successfully escaping with the imprisoned." He hoped everything will go through smoothly and successfully.

"I'll try my best to distract them for you guys, so you guys get out of there with no problems." Jaebum beamed a smile towards the younger boys, gladly to help them.

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