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Jisung's heart shattered as tears uncontrollably slid down his cheeks.

Felix who sat next to him on the car ride, comforted the heart broken boy, so did the company of the other three.

The car ride was silent throughout the whole drive to Seoul. Jisung curled up in the seat hugging the jacket he wore that had once belonged to Minho.

He couldn't help but replay the memory of Minho's body burning, wishing it was a nightmare.

As for Chan, yes his heart-ached for watching his friend burn in front of his eyes but something didn't sit right with him. He wasn't sure if he was just in denial but knowing Minho for years he refused to believe he was dead.

"Oh my god! You live here?!" Felix was in awestruck when they steeped foot into Jisung's penthouse.

"Woah, that's a great view." Seonghwa who was also fascinated by it.

"Yeah. . . It's great. You guys make yourself's home, I need to go meet some friends." Jisung still wasn't himself and everyone could tell.

Jisung walked to his front door and opened but being shockingly surprised by his own friends greeting him with tears of joy in their eyes.

The three boys tackled him with hugs, squeezing him to absolute death.

"You're alive! And not dead!" Hyunjin cried out, hugging him tight.

"We were right! We missed you so much Sungs!" Seungmin couldn't stop smiling, glad his friend finally came home.

"Where were you?! You need to tell us everything!" Jeongin was first to step away from the group hug and first to notice the strangers.

"I'm so glad you guys are okay too. I missed you guys so much. Hyunjin stop your tears please, you're making me cry." Jisung wiped a tear.

"I'm sorry, how can I not cry?! You vanished out of the blue and you don't text or call us! Of course I'm crying my eyes out right now!" Hyunjin whined, his vision now blurry from all the tears.

"How did you guys know I was back? It's late at night." Jisung curiously wondered how they found out so fast.

"We got home from work late and since Hyunjin lives in the same building as you he said he saw someone like you in the lobby. So we came straight here just to see if it was so." Seungmin explained with relief Jisung was back.

"Now tell us everything!" Hyunjin demanded answers.

"I'll explain everything." Jisung was feeling a bit better, just being reunited with his best friends.

"Umm, first who are they?" Jeongin quietly asked but didn't go unnoticed by the others with him pointing right at them.

Hyunjin and Seungmin looked to the other's way and noticed how beaten and filthy they were, then they're eyes move towards Jisung who was in the same state.

Hyunjin took a second glance back, quickly drying his eyes as he wondered if he saw right.

He noticed a familiar shorter boy, who he hasn't seen since college.

"They're my friends. Come have a seat, I'll explain." Jisung gestured to the couch.

Hyunjin didn't go straight to the couch as he walked straight to Changbin in nothing but a blank expression.

Changbin watched him in fear, wondering if he even cared to see him again.

"Changbin?" Another smile grew on Hyunjin's lips, happy to see the boy who made his heart skip a beat. "It's good to see you again! Wait— where the you've been too?! You fell of the face of the earth just like Jisung! But longer!" Hyunjin felt so many different emotions seeing Changbin again after years of no interactions.

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