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Jiho rolled her eyes, "I know you're gay and I know he's your boyfriend." She pointed towards Minho.

The two looked at each other, worry and relieved both being expressed.

"Please don't say anything to my father." Jisung turned his focus backed Jiho, begging.

"Don't worry I won't, because you're not going to mess this wedding up! We are going to love each other and going to stay with each till we die." She caught everyone's attention who were minding their own business.

She noticed the scene she just caused and quickly tried to brush it off, fixing her hair.

"I came here to tell you to say goodbye to your boyfriend, you will stay loyal to your future wife. And another thing tomorrow you have an appointment for a tux fitting tomorrow." Jiho then made her way out of the front door with Minho wanting to knock some sense into her.

"We'll figure something out Sungs—."

Minho reached for Jisung's hand for only to be pushed away.

"There's nothing we can do, everyone is against me from living my own life." Jisung went straight to his room, feeling distressed.

Felix ran straight to Jisung's room but Jisung had locked the door.

Felix worn an sadden expression, wanting to help him.

"Come on, let's give him some time to alone." Chan noticed the worried freckled boy and grabbed him by his hand brought him to the couch.

Minho wouldn't leave his gaze upon his bedroom door. Understanding how Jisung feeling, maybe not the whole arrange marriage but everything else Jisung was feeling with the situation.

Minho waited outside of Jisung's bedroom the past few days with the younger not coming out unless it was to grab something to eat and at that Minho brought him cooked meal he made for his sadden squirrel.


Wedding day

As Jisung was getting ready in his dressing room with some people who were hired by his father to look his extra best for the wedding, all he could do would look at how miserable he was through the giant mirror on the wall.

"Jisung we wish we could do something about this, but this all out of our hands." Seungmin spoke, noticing the sad boy.

"This is just ridiculous! Ugh! We should do something! Maybe set the church on fire?!" Hyunjin quickly came up with a plan which was a terrible idea to the others.

"I don't think we should do that." Changbin who was also there despite the strict guest list, rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Why not? It's something." Hyunjin pouted.

"Because one, if Jisung's dad is so keen on marrying him off today they'll just have the wedding somewhere else and two if they find out that was us we loose our jobs." Seungmin rubbed his temples as he was explaining.

"And three this is church." Chan added who was also snuck in along with Felix.

"Why don't you just give up the position? I mean you do say you don't want it." Jeongin spoke up.

"I've already thought of that, I'm just scared to face my father." Jisung turned to the boys to only be turned back by the people doing his make up and tailoring his suit.

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