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"Seriously, he called me in just to check up on me?" Minho began his rant, "he never does that, why now of all times?" Minho wondered.

Once he made his way back to his place, he found Jisung asleep on his bed. Minho couldn't lie, Jisung looked quite cute sound asleep on his bed.

He sighed, remembering his dream from earlier today. That dream had really scared the crap out of him and it had felt so insanely real.

He thanked god that Jisung was perfectly safe, and sitting right next to him when he woke up.

He decided to let Jisung sleep awhile longer, knowing the boy wanted to hangout today.

Minho showered while waiting for the younger to wake up and when he finished, he stepped out in nothing but a towel.

He had figured Jisung would still be asleep so him in a towel wouldn't matter.

But, when walking out, he was met with a wide awake blushing squirrel.

"Oh, sorry I thought you were asleep." Minho spoke, walking over to his drawer.

"I-I woke up a few minutes ago.." Jisung's voice was on the shy side.

Minho decided to mess with him again of course, considering Jisung just looked so embarrassed.

Minho stepped towards the boy who was sitting criss crossed on the bed, eyes firmly on Minho.

"How'd you sleep?" Minho asked, a small grin playing at his lips, casually sitting down next to Jisung.

"G-good." Jisung's eyes slowly lead down to Minho's front, catching the vague drops of water still visible on his skin.

Minho leaned closer, Jisung's breathing coming to a stop.

"You know," he started, tracing his hand over Jisungs thigh, "staring," Minho's breath fanning Jisung's ear, "is very rude sungs,"

Jisung gulped, pulling away and letting out a breath when Minho pulled back with a grin.

Jisung was insanely red, "God Minho, why do you do this?" Jisung placed his hands on his cheeks, looking helplessly cute.

Jisung slide off the bed and going to the bathroom. "Because like I said, you make it so easy." Minho laughed, making way into the bathroom with his clothes in his hand.

Jisung turned the water faucet on, splashing cool water on his face. "Geez, you get so nervous and shy." Minho laughed, leaning on the wall.

Jisung pulled away from the water, grabbing a towel and drying his face.

"Well who wouldn't when someone gets so close?" Jisung faced him.

"Hmm, me?" Jisung rolled his eyes. "You don't get nervous?" He asked.

"Never have, no." Minho admitted.

Jisung grinned, "Hmm." Jisung stepped forward, pushing Minho back onto the wall.

He placed one hand on Minho's shoulder, the other on Minho's bare chest. He leaned in, lips brushing Minho's ear. "Are you sure?" Jisung whispered, biting sensually on Minho's earlobe and pulling it forward gently, letting it go.

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