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"Are you serious? More pictures?" Minho tried to push the girl away from him as he was already tired from all the photos he had to take with her.

"Yes. She's already pretty jealous from these past few days. Now kiss me for this one." She pulled him by the collar.

Minho was back at Dahyun's place, continuing to act like her boyfriend on social media, in public and in front of anyone she knew.

"What no!" Minho pulls away, not wanting to kiss her.

"Come on, do you want the information or not?" Dahyun displays a smirk.

"Kissing wasn't the deal." He growled.

"Well the deal was to help me make my ex jealous and that includes kissing." She pulls him by the collar.

"One kiss that's it." He rolled his eyes before Dahyun set up the camera.

He then grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for a quick kiss on the lips before the timer went off and snapped the photo of them kissing. Once the picture was taken Minho quickly pushed her away and wiping his lips.

"You know you are so cruel. Thanks anyways." She then posted the photo on her Instagram.

"Why even bother making her jealous? If you want her back then just be straight forward." Minho sat himself on her bed.

"Because I always crawl back to her, it feels one sided. I want to see if she wants me at the slightest." She sat next to Minho with a glum expression.

"I wouldn't bother, if she doesn't want you then you shouldn't waste time with that." Minho turns to face the sad girl who's gaze was on the floor.

"You're heart is to cold to understand. I love her, I have a little hope that she feels the same. But this will probably be the last time I try." She flopped on her back with Minho rolling his eyes to her comment about him.

"You know... I've never tried anything with a guy before..." she sits herself up, leaning her weight on her arms.

"And?" Minho raised an eyebrow, hoping she wasn't implying what he thought she was implying.

"Maybe I can turn the other way, and possibly not feel anything for girls anymore."

"Not every girl is like your ex. I don't think it works like that anyways, trust me I tried and I'm still gay." Minho could understand why she would want to.

"I just want to try." Minho noticed the pain and want in her eyes, knowing how much of a heartbreak she was probably going through.

He lets out a sigh before he crawls on top of Dahyun which took her by surprise.

He leaned in and began sucking on her neck softly. He gently and swiftly kissed around her neck, making it towards her lips. While he was giving her what she wanted she just sat there, feeling nothing.

She gave into the kiss once Minho's lips were pressed against her's.

Dahyun began forcing herself into the kiss and tried heating up the moment to make more of a distraction from her heartache.

She tugged at the hem of Minho's shirt implying he takes it off, he did as told and breaks away from the kiss to slip it off.

Once his shirt was off he connects their lips once more.

Minho was not enjoying it one bit. Not just for his preference in gender but the squirrel like boy lingering in his mind. Every moment he felt guilty for kissing another.

Knowing that Jisung had confessed to him just before he left and knew if Jisung found out what he was doing the younger would be hurt.

He wished Jisung was beneath him instead, he wished this was Jisung. Minho wanted the younger who made his heartache whenever he wasn't around and who made his heart flutter every time he was around.

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