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"Chan, you're only getting hurt by this." Felix ran up to the older who was thrown to the ground.

"I don't care, they aren't taking you." Chan wiped the blood from his nose.

The boss and a security guard was trying to move Felix into another room but Chan wasn't allowing that.

"I don't take orders from anyone. He's coming with me and that is final!" The boss pulled Chan off the ground and threw him into the security guard who injected him with a sleeping serum.

"Channie!" Felix watched Chan's body collapse to the floor after being injected, his eyes darkened.

Felix used the strength he had and tackled the security guard to the ground. The security guard now face planted to the floor and Felix holding him down as he pulls his arm, popping it out of place. The guy now wincing from the pain.

The boss then used the handle of his gun and hits Felix in the head, knocking him out cold.

"Brat!" He kneels down making sure Felix was knocked out. "Hey! Stop your whining and get backed to work!" He demanded the injured security.

"B-But sir my arm-."

"I can give two shits. If you're in to much pain, why don't I just end your misery." He aims the gun to his head which frightened him.

"N-No. I'm okay. I'll get back to work!" He picks himself up and runs out of the room in fear.

The boss rolled his eyes as he swiftly threw Felix over his shoulder and putting him in another room away from Chan, he wanted both to suffer.

He carelessly tossed Felix into his new room he will be locked up in. The room with a medal gate splitting the room into two.

Felix soon later woke up with his head and body aching, tears streaming down his cheeks. Worried for the older Aussie who he deeply cared about.


"Mi-Minho! St-stop!" Jisung was lying on the couch with Minho on top of him tickling him.

Laughter bouncing off the walls as Jisung squirmed beneath Minho.

"Not until you give me back my jacket!" Minho continued to tickle him watching Jisung's smile grow big and his laugh he's grown to love made his own lips pull into a bright smile.

"No! I want to keep it!" Jisung attempt to pry Minho's hands off of him but he couldn't stop laughing.

"You won't give up will you?" Minho released his hands from Jisung and just laughed at the stubborn boy.


"Fine, I guess you can keep it." Minho got off of  the younger, letting him win.

Minho turned to watch Jisung sit up, legs crossed with a playful evil smile as he snuggled in Minho's jacket.

"You're an interesting child." Minho broke himself away from being caught in a daze.

"I'm only two years younger than you! I'm a grown adult." Jisung scowled that left Minho laughing again.

"I'm going to make us dinner now." Minho got up from the couch and headed to the kitchen with Jisung following behind cutely.

Jisung sat at the table once again watching Minho cook, taking notes for himself.

"I wanna help this time." Jisung got up from the table and stood beside Minho.

"You going to set something on fire again?" Minho raised an eyebrow.

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