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"Can I kiss you?"

Jisung gazed upon Minho's soft thin lips then at his glistening dark brown eyes, feeling butterflies and his puffy cheeks burning like fire.

Minho was taken back from the sudden question until his eyes softened.

He didn't know what came over him nonetheless he leaned in, gently grabbing Jisung by his chin, tilting his head.

He gently pressed his lips against the younger's, feeling his own heart proud against his chest.

Jisung was surprised, wasn't expecting for Minho to make the first move, he gave into the first kiss they both shared.

Their lips synchronized with the perfect fit between the two, a spark igniting inside of them both.

They pull away absolutely loving the nothing but sweet kiss.

Jisung's heart fluttered, definitely head over heels for the older.

Without thinking Jisung smashed his lips against the older's as if he was reading Minho's mind.

Minho didn't hesitate to kiss back, wanting Jisung's soft lips upon his own once again.

This time the kiss was more rough and passionate but still sweet.

The tension in the room shifted to more of lust rather than the pure nature it first began with.

Minho leaned in with Jisung now laying down upon the couch cushions, both of Jisung's hands placed on the sides of Minho's face.

Minho was sitting on top of Jisung and deepening the kiss. He gently made his way down Jisung's lips and down his neck.

Jisung tilted his head to give Minho more room. Minho began to tease Jisung with gentle kisses on his soft skin, quit whines were heard from the younger which intrigued Minho.

Once he was finished playing at his neck, he made his way back up to his pretty thin lips.

They both enjoyed the kiss they shared once again and after a few moments of them both quietly moaning into each other's mouth, they separated.

It was quit between the two while Jisung couldn't look Minho in the eyes. The blush and his small shy smile he gave was noticeable to Minho.

"You're adorable when shy." Minho broke the silence with a chuckle, gazing at the younger.

He didn't really understand his feelings he felt since all the past times he's kissed or intimate  with someone it was all fake. He was forced to get close to the enemy by his uncle. His job was to get any information out of his enemy and usually all they wanted was sex.

Something about the younger made Minho feel different, it seemed real.

Minho lowered himself and hugged Jisung, enjoying the warmth.

"Why don't we do something fun tomorrow?" Jisung didn't know what exactly to say after their encounter.

"I'll be gone for most of the day, I won't be home till late at night. Sorry Sungs." Minho listened to Jisung's rapid heart beating, liked how he had such affect on him.

"Maybe another time then." Jisung frowned, wanting to spend time with Minho tomorrow.

"We'll have some fun together soon, don't worry. Come on, I don't like it when I can't see that beautiful smile of yours." Minho lifted his head, watching Jisung's cheeks darken.

"Hyung~." Jisung shyly giggled.

"There. Now why don't we head to bed now, it's pretty late." Minho suggested while getting out of the position he was in.

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