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Earlier that night Changbin had pulled Hyunjin aside to the room he was staying in, nothing but butterflies fluttering as he was nervous.

Hyunjin had sat on the bed with the palm of his hands resting him up.

Changbin couldn't help but stare with his cheeks blushing red, he was stunned at how beautiful he looked before him.

Hyunjin could feel the awkward tension, so he gestured Changbin to come to sit next to him.

Changbin in realized how long he was staring as if he was in a daze. He sat next to the younger one with his heart beating rapidly against his chest.

"Um . . . I think I have so much to explain, I don't even know where to start." Changbin refused eye contact with the younger.

"Take your time, I'm not here to rush you. You can even make it short and simple if that makes you comfortable." Hyunjin could tell how nervous he was.

He was already shocked by everything Jisung explained, especially finding out about the mafia.

"You already know about the mafia and how I was a member. Back in college after our breakup, I ended up getting myself into even some more dumb shit. That's how I owed a vast amount of money to the mafia." Changbin paused for a brief second.

"I was desperately wanting to get back together with you but then everything happened with the mafia and I was so scared they would do something terrible to you. I was scared to face you right now because we left off on bad terms and 4 years later we finally meet again . . . I don't even know if you cared about me anymore but I never stopped." Changbin finally glanced up to the taller, his cheeks blushing red.

"Binnie, of course I still care. You were the only person I had and for years I held an unhealthy grudge on you for not even telling me you got up and left. But I understand now you had your reasons. I'm so happy you're back and safe." Hyunjin scanned him from head to toe, noticing some scars on his arm.

Earlier he noticed how beaten up Jisung and his friends were, remembering what Jisung had told them, everything about the cruel mafia boss.

"Hearing what happened with you guys must've been horrible." Hyunjin pulled the older into his comforting embrace.

Changbin wasn't expecting a hug from the older but he had forgotten how affectionate the taller was.

Changbin didn't deny the hug, hugging back as he missed Hyunjin's sweet affections.

He was beginning to tighten his grip while tears uncontrollably slid down his cheeks. Finally feeling some kind of comfort after of years refusing to go to anyone.

He would go to Chan and Minho from time to time but nothing was like Hyunjin's sweet delicate touch like he remembered.

He just wanted to be held by Hyunjin as he sobbed into his chest, all the memories loading through, all the pain.

"I-I lost one of my best friends because of that man . . . All of my friends were in pain because of him . . . He tortured everyone, including me . . . H-he did so much damage, I-I had to—" Changbin paused for a moment, not wanting to tell Hyunjin that he was a murder. "to leave." Scared to what Hyunjin might think of him.

One secret he had to keep from him was murdering innocent lives because his boss made him, and how he murdered his boss out of anger.

"It's okay, you no longer have to deal with any of that sort no more. All your friends are safe now, including you Binnie. It's okay." Hyunjin tried his best to comfort the older, his heart aching at the sight.

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