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It was the next morning with Minsung sleeping in the whole day, both exhausted from the previous busy months. They decided to just stay in bed and enjoy each other's company since from not seeing each other for a bit.

While Jisung decided to stay home from work his friends decided to go in for him, knowing he would want to stay with Minho.

Changbin was also not home as he found a job not to far. Leaving Felix the only one in the living room.

Felix wasn't about to bother the couple so he gave them their space.

He was bored out of his mind while flipping through channels so he decided to call Chan, hoping he would answer.

The phone rang three times before he heard the older.

"Channie! You answered!" Felix wore a bright smile.

"Sorry for not responding lately, I've been really busy." Chan felt bad for seeming so distance towards his sunshine.

"It's okay Channie, I understand you're with your family. I wanted to know when your coming back, I miss you." Felix shyly spoke, burying himself in Chan's shirt he wore.

"Sometime today."

"Really?! I'm so happy!" Felix jumped in his seat then stopped once he heard a knock at the front door. "Hold on Channie someone is at the door."

Felix skipped his way to the door, cautiously opening the door since not knowing who it was.

Once he opened the door his eyes happily widen with a big bright smile on display.

"Channie!" Felix threw himself onto the older Aussie.

"Yeah I wanted to surprise you but you called me as I was coming." Chan planted a sweet loving kiss in the smaller's kissable lips.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin the surprise. I was just missing you." Felix pouted, feeling bad.

"It's okay, now let me see your beautiful smile to suit your beautiful galaxy on your cheeks." Chan pecked his lips once more, causing Felix to shyly smile again with his smily eyes.

"I have some exciting news! You missed a lot just from the past week." Felix was jumping in Chan's arms, couldn't wait to tell the older who was back.

"I have some exciting news too." Chan chuckled at the younger's excitement. "But go ahead first."

"Minho wasn't dead! He's alive, he's sleeping with Jisung right now." Felix watched Chan's expression quickly change.

His eyes were in pure shock with his mouth hung open. Chan was wondering if he heard right.

Both of the Aussie's attention was brought to Jisung's bedroom door, Minho standing in the doorway. He let out a yawn before making his way towards Chan.

"Minho, we missed you. I missed you." Chan quickly pulled the said boy into his embrace.

"I missed you too hyung." Minho gladly hugged back, hearing quiet sniffles from his hyung.

Minho comforted him with a chuckle.

"I know I have a lot to explain. I'll explain everything when Changbin comes back here. He's at work right now. Please Chan, stop crying I'm going to end up crying too." Minho pulled Chan away with a warm smile, he couldn't believe his own friends missed him this much, it warmed his heart.

"I'm sorry, I knew there had to be some way this was just your plan or something. But having a thought you were dead was horrible to think about, losing a friend isn't easy especially the close ones." Chan wiped his tears away, Felix clinging to him in a sign of comfort.

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