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~ 3 days later ~

"Are you stupid?!" A furious Changbin was at Minho's home.

Changbin and Chan stopped by Minho's home but they didn't expect for Minho to tell them Jisung wasn't going home anytime soon. Which boiled Changbin's blood.

"He has no where to go, everyone thinks he's dead. He has a lot on his plate." Minho sighed as he expected this reaction.

"And you don't think we have enough?! This isn't no five star hotel! He needs to at least go somewhere else." Changbin threw his hands in the air, frustrated.

While the two were talking Jisung was with Chan in the kitchen, listening.

"I'm not going to let him go hide from society alone. He can't either way. It's not going to be forever." Minho tried to reason with the shorter.

"It doesn't matter how long he stays, as long as he is here, people will get hurt. I swear to god if anything happens to Hyunjin I won't hesitate to murder him myself!" Changbin pulled Minho by the collar, with fire burning in his eyes.

"You better watch what you say because I'm not letting you lay a hand on Jisung." Minho growled, pushing Changbin away from him.

Chan and Jisung quickly rushed to the living room.

"Why would anything happen to Hyunjin?" Jisung made himself known to the other two.

"Because the damn boss knows my relationship and feelings towards him!" Changbin went up to the younger, intimidating Jisung.

"Tell them what's going on." Chan stepped in, ready for Changbin to pounce at any moment.

"The boss is having me spy on Minho, if I didn't do it he threatened to harm Hyunjin... I've been lying to him about hiding Jisung. That's why I want him gone because if he finds out the truth then Hyunjin will get involved!" Changbin deeply cared for the taller but he didn't want to be the bad guy either.

Jisung's heart pained at the thought of losing his best friend.

"Maybe I should leave, I don't want Hyunjin to get involved either." Jisung didn't realize what consequences would come his way if he stayed.

"He doesn't need to, the boss knows Jisung is dead there is no way he'll come looking for him." Minho wasn't going to let Jisung go off on his own, especially if he couldn't defend himself.

"What do you planned to do when Jisung is caught?! He's going to brutally beat Jisung till he gives up his company's money to him, Hyunjin and Felix will get involved, and the three of us are dead meat for lying and hiding him! There is no winning in this situation! It's either you get him out now or I'm taking him in-."

Before Changbin can finish Minho slapped him across the cheek.

"He's staying and that's final." Minho stormed off to his room, slamming it behind him.

Jisung watched the whole thing unfold, not knowing what to do or say.

"That jerk!" Changbin cursed out with Chan holding him back.

"I'm sorry, I've been nothing but selfish..." Jisung began catching the other two's attention. "I really don't want my friends getting hurt... I really don't but I don't have anywhere to go, my friends back home probably think I'm dead." Jisung felt Changbin's pair of eyes glare him down.

"Why don't you go home and show them you aren't." Changbin's voice intimidating to the younger.

"He probably has his reasons, we should respect it." Chan tried to calm Changbin down.

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