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For the past two days Jisung was still locked up in Minho's room while Minho slept uncomfortably on the couch.

"Damn, how did Jisung sleep so easily on this couch?" Minho now had a sore back from the uncomfortable couch.

Before Minho could get to make himself breakfast and hopefully make up with Jisung he gets a text from his no good uncle.


Asshole 🖕

I got a job for you. I need you to get me information from this mafia in Busan. Do whatever you have to do to get it.
There is a girl your age that I'm sure if you get on her good side she'll spill.
Here is the location, I want you to leave in hour.
Don't screw this up! I'll see you in a week.


"Aish! Are you kidding me?" Minho raked his hand through his hair.

Minho heavily sighed before getting off the couch and to his room.

But his bedroom door was still locked which annoyed him.

"Jisung open the door! It's been two days! You can't stay in there forever!" Minho continued jiggling the doorknob.

Still no answer.

"Come on! I was given a job to do and I need to pack, I'll be gone for a week!" He then heard the door unlock then a worried boy opened the door.

"A week?" Jisung watched Minho walk pass him and grab a bag, beginning to pack.

"Yeah, I'll have Changbin make sure you're safe while I'm gone. Just don't cause any trouble." Minho didn't bother looking him in the eye as he just continued to pack.

"Oh... um... well be careful then." Jisung scrunched his eyebrows and frowned leaving the bedroom.

Jisung wasn't as angry as before, just annoyed. He wished he could just try talking to him without getting frustrated but couldn't as he had the feeling Minho doesn't return the same feelings. Now Minho was going away for a while which he didn't like.

Minho had finished up packing and texted Changbin for a favor while heading to the front door.

"I'll be back in a week..." Minho stopped himself from walking out of the door to see if Jisung would do or say anything to him, wanting some reaction from the boy he's barely talk to for those two days.

"Mhm." Jisung hummed with a nod as he went straight to his phone, giving Minho no attention.

"Tch, whatever." Minho said under his breath as he walked out the door, slamming it behind him.

Jisung looked behind him where the front door was, feeling bad for continuing to give him the cold shoulder.

The next day Minho had just went to his car from the hotel he was staying at and was now on his way to the local mall.

He had found the girl he's been looking for Instagram and noticed her story that she was at the mall.

Minho just wanted to hurry up and and get this over with.

It didn't take him long to be where he needed to go.

He roamed around the mall for about 30 minutes, about to give up on finding her. Until something caught in the corner of his eye.

"For the last time, I said leave me the fuck alone you creep!" The girl Minho has been searching for was being harassed by a strange old man.

"Come on ba-."

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