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About a week goes by with the happily couple no longer hiding their relationship from anyone who's outside of their friend group.

Jisung couldn't be happier with everything going his way for once.

During the past week Jisung had finally built up the courage to speak with his father about everything he was scared to say.

Jisung had told his father he was going to step down from the business. He promised to find someone who he trust to tackle the family company. His father wasn't amused at first but he had to let his son make his own decisions since he was a grown adult.

His father didn't like the idea but he learned to trust Jisung's judgment, leaving it in hands to handle. Jisung was of course glad that his father was beginning to change for the better.

Not to soon after he gave the job to Seungmin, knowing his close friend has always wanted a business of his own. Seungmin didn't oppose as he was quite happy about it.

Jisung was finally free from the business along with his so called sister who was fired and was stuck doing community service.

"Jisung are you ready?" Minho called out to his loving boyfriend who was busy packing.

"Yeah, just a minute." Jisung sat on his suitcase trying to zip it up as it overflowed.

"Do you really need all those clothes?" Minho chuckled as he watched Jisung struggle from the doorway.

"Some of these aren't even mine Minho! You ran out of room in your suitcase and started stuffing your clothes in mine!" Jisung finally got the suitcase zipped up.

"Hey you wear my clothes either way, despite the countless of clothes you have in your closet." Minho sweetly kissed his cheek, grabbing his suitcase for him.

"You have a point. But doesn't matter right now! We have to leave so we get to Busan before dark." Jisung quickly was rushing out the door.

"No parties when I'm gone!" Jisung yelled out to his friends, specifically looking at Hyunjin.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure none of that happens." Chan spoke up as he had Felix setting on his lap who was focused on some video game.

"Thanks! I'll see you guys in a few weeks." Jisung waved goodbye to his friends as did Minho before heading out the door.

The couple was going to be staying at Jisung's mother house in Busan.

Jisung had recently got in touch with her after years, he couldn't wait to see her. While Minho was a nervous wreck on the inside, wanting to make a good first impression.

Before they reached the car Jisung had noticed Minho stopped looking down at his phone.

"What's wrong?" Jisung noticed Minho's jaw dropped.

"Jisung, I know meeting up with your mom is very important to you but I need to go see my sister. She's in the hospital!" Minho had just gotten a text from Yeojin's adopted parents who he recently got in contact with.

"Is everything okay? Is she badly hurt?" Jisung worriedly clung to Minho's arm.

"I don't know. Her parents just texted me saying she was rushed to the hospital." Minho stressfully raked his a hair back.

"We should hurry then." Jisung quickly pulled Minho to the car.

"You're okay with us not leaving to Busan till later?" Minho wanted to make sure Jisung was okay with holding on for a few more hours.

"Yeah, you need to see her." Jisung intertwined his hand with his, giving a warm smile.

"I love you." Minho smiled back before starting the engine and heading straight where his sister was.

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