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"I need to get back to my post before anyone notices I'm gone. You stay here without going outside, all the doors locked and the curtains closed. No one can no you're here. You got it?" Minho was stern to the smaller.

"Got it."

"And if someone knocks on the door don't answer it no matter what. I'll be back in an hour, help yourself to anything." Minho then took his leave, locking the door behind him.

Jisung sat on the couch scanning the room he was in. He couldn't help but be high alert on the little sounds he heard, making him more paranoid.

"Can I really trust him? What if he's going to tell his boss about me? I'll be tortured? I don't wanna die.."

Jisung couldn't help but think of the worse, none of this was a joke to him. Another half of him didn't understand why the military could be so cruel, was he really going to be questioned and possibly be killed by accidental entering a base?

To get his mind off of things he decided to take a look around the small house.

There was only one small bedroom and a bathroom.

He jumped on the bed, feeling comfortable in the soft blankets. If he wanted to, he would fall asleep right then and there but he didn't want to take over Minho's bed.

He then took a look around the bedroom which was neat and clean.

He noticed how much of books and movies the other had.

Jisung was getting bored of roaming around the small house so he decided to go on his phone, but to his luck it was dead.

He just sat on the couch in the dark with no source of entertainment to pass the time since his phone was dead and was told to be quiet and have the lights turned off while he was gone.

An hour passes and Jisung was still on the couch with every little creak or sound frightening him.

Then the front door began to creak open, Jisung quickly and quietly got off the couch and move to a hiding space. He knew that Minho was going to be home soon but he wanted to take precaution.

"Jisung? Are you still here?" Minho called out wondering if the other actually did as told.

"Yeah, I got scared on who-."

Minho quickly pushed Jisung towards the wall and covered his mouth as he heard footsteps outside the house.

Jisung's eyes widen from the sudden action, nervousness washing over him.

They both heard knocking at the door with Jisung stiffening every muscle.

"Minho?! I know you're in there!" Minho knew who it was by the voice.

"Go away Chan!" He coldly shouted to the other.

"No! The boss had me come and give you these!" Minho rolled his eyes then letting go of Jisung.

"Go hide in the bedroom and don't come out till I say it's clear." He quietly whispered with Jisung responding with a nod.

Once Jisung quietly entered the bathroom Minho opened his front door, revealing a brunette Australian and next to him a boy who was a bit shorter.

"You got papers?" Minho raised an eyebrow.

"Yep! Also did you wanna hangout? Chan and I are off duty tonight." A boy who was named as Changbin let himself into the house.

"No not tonight. I have to... clean the house.. it's very messy." Minho wished his two friends would leave already.

"But it doesn't even look that dirty, heck it's freaking spotless! What else do you need to clean?" Changbin scans the room they were in.

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